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The Prequel of Kunshan Jade — Chapter 7. Thieves Also Have a Code

The Kunlun Mountain bandits were notorious for their countless killings, sparing neither women nor children. Duan Wu felt as if she were being strangled by a venomous snake, her whole body turning to stone.

She lamented, My luck is really bad. Maybe all those times I secretly ate offerings meant for the gods and Buddha are finally catching up to me.

Her eyes darted around as she thought, Like attracts like. If I act like enough of a bandit myself, maybe these bandits will let me go.

The horses, which had been galloping along the cliffside, suddenly slowed down. They were heading toward the cave where everyone else was spending the night...

Duan Wu forced a grin and burst into laughter. Since she had led the singing before, her three bursts of laughter startled the horses of two masked men.

Bandit king, hero, warrior, knight... which title would be best? Before she could think further, she turned her head and asked, "Heroes, where are we going to rob the rich and help the poor? Little sister here came all the way from the South Sea to Kunlun Mountain, dreaming of witnessing your legendary skills. Now that my dream has come true, I could die with a smile. Haha, of course, it would be better not to die. Hey, do you need more people? I might not have many skills, but I can cook, wash clothes, feed the horses, and even help you sort through the treasures you loot. And when you come back after a heist, I can sing and dance to entertain you..." The masked man behind her remained silent as if he were mute.

Duan Wu’s neck was getting sore from twisting, but then she caught sight of those blue eyes, reflecting the starlight.

She thought, Hey, maybe Blue Eyes doesn't understand Mandarin.

But the man behind her just shook his head slightly.

Duan Wu quickly added, "My dad and mom were like you, but they were pirates. Do you know what pirates are?" She wanted to gesture, but her body was still held tightly by the man's arm.

He nodded and adjusted the reins slightly, as if trying to make her more comfortable.

Duan Wu continued her wild fabrication, "Our family ruled over an island for over ten years, but then we were wiped out by the wretched government forces! That’s how I ended up being sold as a slave by the authorities... So, I hate the government to death. My master and the others are just up ahead. I could lead you to them... But, alas, it’s such a pity, such a pity!"

The man’s eyes seemed to be asking her a question. His eyelashes were long and curled, casting a pale golden shadow on his nose.

Duan Wu said, "We passed through the Agate Beach earlier and came across a pile of dead bodies. I think it was either your enemies or allies who did it. My master is a cunning one. Before reaching the Eagle’s Mouth, he had the main group, carrying all the money and beauties, take the main road overnight. We, the leftovers, had no choice but to follow him on the small path. My master’s a bit crazy, always believing his old lover’s spirit lingers in these mountains, so he makes us risk our lives to follow him around. Aside from this string of pearls in my hand, there’s nothing else of value left... Isn’t that a shame?"

The masked man nodded and glanced at the pearls in Duan Wu’s hand.

She looked at him and pleaded, "Please, take the necklace first. Don’t let your brothers come all this way for nothing. Even though these pearls aren’t worth much, they’re still a token of my respect for all the bandit brothers out there."

As she stared at the masked man, thoughts of her brutally murdered father and distant mother filled her mind, and her large eyes began to well with tears.

She sniffled and pressed the pearls firmly into his hand.

The man stopped the horse. With one hand, he held her sleeve, and with the other, he released the reins.

He finally accepted the pearls but then placed them back around Duan Wu's neck.

He gazed at her, his eyes shimmering with a watery light, and sighed softly, his breath as fragrant as orchids.

Duan Wu was stunned. Is this what the Kunlun Mountain bandits are like?

What kind of bandits are these? But then she noticed that, although the others were hard to see clearly, they were all tall, burly men, exuding a fierce presence.

While they hesitated, Duan Wu sneaked a glance at the opposite mountain. Yan Zijin, seemingly lost in thought, hadn’t noticed the commotion in the shadows.

He walked straight back into the stone cave where a faint firelight flickered.

But Yan Zijin should have realized by now that she was missing... Could he have guessed that there were bandits nearby?

As she recalled all the things Yan Zijin had done since he saved her at the seaside, a thought suddenly occurred to her: If Yan Zijin died... if the bandits killed him... what would happen then?

The masked man seemed to be deep in thought, and all Duan Wu could hear was the sound of her own heartbeat. The wind was growing stronger, bringing with it the chill of autumn. Her clothes were soaked with cold sweat, and the scent of the pine nuts and walnuts in her pocket was intensified by the moisture.

Suddenly, Duan Wu noticed that all the lights in the cave had been extinguished. Could Yan Zijin really be this slow to react? Then again, maybe he could. After all, there have always been people blinded by their emotions. Yan Zijin tossing the red orchid off the cliff—he must be seriously ill. Mentally ill.

The other riders seemed to be growing impatient, and one of them called out, "Brother...?"

Duan Wu was stunned. The slender waist, the petal-like skin, clearly belonged to someone young, yet the others were calling him their brother? Could this whole family be involved in banditry? Come to think of it, didn’t Little Squirrel mention something about this before?

Outside Hetian City, they met again. Little Squirrel offered walnuts and said, "These were given to me by a brother..."

When he was unconscious, he kept muttering, "Brother..."

And when Yan Zijin asked him directly, Little Squirrel had clearly stated he had no blood brothers. But he had drawn a flame symbol on the pine tree...

It suddenly dawned on Duan Wu—"Brother" was just a title... This person wasn’t just any bandit; he was the leader of the bandits!

A rider interrupted Duan Wu's thoughts by leaning over to Blue Eyes and saying, "Brother, Little Squirrel must be nearby, probably in that cave."

Clever Little Squirrel—he was actually a spy for the bandits! No wonder he appeared alone in the desert after the massacre; no wonder he snuck into Lord Yuchi’s jade mine project; no wonder he secretly marked the trees with symbols. Hmph! So that's how it is. Duan Wu suddenly felt the urge to spit in Little Squirrel’s face. She had been blind to worry about his safety, choosing to follow Yan Zijin on this journey. She had been foolish to care for this little viper, only for him to end up like Lala, betraying her once again.

Blue Eyes waved his hand, and the others immediately fell silent.

Duan Wu’s mind was racing with thoughts, weighing the options back and forth. Yan Zijin wouldn’t easily give up Little Squirrel—he had some skills. There were also about a dozen male servants in the cave. But if the Kunlun bandits were truly formidable, would it really come down to a fight to the death?

Besides, the bandit leader might have a large group of reinforcements waiting. Little Squirrel, the little liar, might deserve to die, but... in this world, there are plenty of scoundrels who deserve death yet live. Even if they handed over the boy, would the bandits really spare them?

Blue Eyes naturally didn’t ask for her opinion. He jumped down from the horse, picked up Duan Wu, and moved her to the back of the saddle.

Duan Wu was startled, about to speak, but he slightly bowed to her again, as if asking for her forgiveness.

He mounted the horse again, his broad shoulders blocking the moonlight.

Duan Wu, nervous, pressed against his back, only to have the white mountain flowers on his quiver tickle her nose. She sneezed, her small body shaking, and she nearly fell off the horse, grabbing onto Blue Eyes' waist just in time to steady herself.

Blue Eyes' waist was not only slender but also strong, just as one would expect from someone in his line of work.

Before Duan Wu could let go, he spurred the horse, leading the group towards the cave.

The bandits' horses were well-trained, with light breathing and quiet steps.

Duan Wu was extremely tense—were they planning a sneak attack? What should she do? She was Duan Wu; she couldn’t just stand there like a scarecrow. If she called out, she might be killed instantly. But if she stayed silent, was she supposed to watch a group of people being slaughtered? Most of those people were Yan Zijin’s lackeys, true, but they were just trying to make a living, and they hadn’t really done anything bad to her...

No, she had to find a way to warn them. She leaned closer to the quiver, and the white flower brushed her nose again. She let out another loud sneeze.

Blue Eyes' waist twitched, and he reined in the horse. Leading the way, he had already reached the cave entrance.

Suddenly, there was a whizzing sound, and several cold arrows shot out from the cave. Blue Eyes immediately drew his sword, the blade flashing as he deflected the arrows with swift, precise movements.

Clink, clink—the sparks flew. Duan Wu had never seen real weapons in action before and didn’t hesitate to use Blue Eyes' body as a shield.

If Blue Eyes' back was as delicate as his waist, there was no guarantee that her “human shield” wouldn’t get pierced, injuring her as well.

But as she held onto him, his body suddenly sprang away from her grasp, leaping into the cave. In the darkness, two silver-white shadows clashed, their weapons cutting through the air like a snarling pack of wolves. The sound of battle was fierce, yet it abruptly ceased.

Then they heard Yan Zijin’s clear voice: “It’s a misunderstanding. Light the torches.”

The torches were lit, and the tension in the cave was palpable. Only Little Squirrel joyfully called out, “Brother!”

The other riders dismounted, ready to enter the cave, but Blue Eyes turned back and looked at them, and they remained rooted to the spot like nails.

The horses were lying down, and Duan Wu stepped forward to stand behind them.

Yan Zijin’s expression showed neither defeat nor fear. His pale face, perhaps wind-chilled, bore a sickly flush.

He glanced at the short sword on the ground, half-smiling. “Little Squirrel—is he your brother?”

Blue Eyes quickly sheathed his sword. To everyone’s surprise, he bent down, picked up the sword, and handed it back to Yan Zijin with both hands.

Though he was a bandit leader, his courteous manner made it seem as though he was treating his defeated opponent as a noble prince.

Suspicion flashed in Yan Zijin’s eyes. The man swiftly walked through the crowd and picked up Little Squirrel.

Little Squirrel was overjoyed, mumbling, “Brother, you’re faster than the wind... It’s all my fault, punish me...”

Blue Eyes held the boy with one hand, and with the other, he reached into his waistband, pulled out a few pine nuts, and fed them to Little Squirrel.

Little Squirrel glanced around at everyone and whispered, “I was injured, but that big sister saved me. This merchant treated my wound.”

Blue Eyes nodded thoughtfully. He quietly surveyed the people in the dimly lit cave.

Under the gaze of those pure eyes, everyone felt as if they had been cleansed by a sweet spring, and the tension eased away.

The bandit leader’s skill and martial prowess left Yan Zijin with no choice but to back down.

The human trafficker stood to the side, his lips curling slightly in a mocking smirk.

Little Squirrel was tied to the horse by the bandit leader, and Duan Wu avoided the child's gaze. Suddenly, he pleaded, "Brother, let's take the big sister with us!"

Duan Wu, as obedient as a doll, merely smiled and said, "Sorry, but I just remembered that I have an old friend's request to fulfill. Since I've promised, I must see it through, no matter what. I can't go with you, but thank you for your kind offer!"

After she finished speaking, she shot Little Squirrel a sharp glance. Little Squirrel lowered his head in silence, and Duan Wu found no joy in the situation.

The bandit leader walked over to Yan Zijin, placing one hand on his chest as he bowed deeply. Yan Zijin made no response.

The bandit leader then approached Duan Wu, his deep blue almond-shaped eyes seeming to speak, filled with a sincere smile.

Duan Wu refused to appear weak, offering only a faint smile without saying anything.

The bandit leader gave her another slight bow, but this time, as he did so, his fingers brushed lightly against her hair.

Before Duan Wu could fully grasp what had happened, the shadowy figure had already departed gracefully. Most of the people in the cave couldn't help but crane their necks, watching him leave.

Duan Wu touched her hair, then opened her palm to find a few small white flowers, simple and pure, with a faint fragrance.

Originally, they had adorned the bandit leader's bow and arrows. Duan Wu opened her mouth, noticing that her palm felt slightly damp.

It must be dew, she thought. But it wasn’t just damp—it was also warm.

Who was he?

Duan Wu realized that after that brief scare, the way everyone looked at her had changed. No longer was she just a piece of the master's property; she had become a living person.

"Master, look!"

A sharp-eyed servant shouted. Yan Zijin, standing silently at the cave entrance, noticed a piece of black crystal placed on a large stone.

"Is this... something that man left for you?"

Yan Zijin examined it closely. "This is a rare medicinal stone, a priceless treasure."

He gazed off into the distance, a strange expression crossing his face. To Duan Wu, it seemed as though Yan Zijin was secretly pleased.

Why would he be pleased after losing? Duan Wu wondered.

She closed her eyes, but the image of those blue eyes reappeared, along with the angel from the Constantinople mosaic... She quickly opened her eyes, startled.

Fortunately, the forest was silent, with only an owl perched in the treetops.

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