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The Stolen Bride — Chapter 1.2

 Jun Chengliu felt both pride and worry; though fifty years old was not exactly the twilight of life, his hair had already turned gray—thanks to his concern and pride for this eldest daughter, who had passed the usual marriageable age!

"Minister Ma came to see me yesterday."

"For a casual chat? He probably doesn't have time for that." Jun Qiluo sat beside her father, taking a cup of hot tea from a servant and pouring a fragrant brew for her father. She dismissed everyone, then gazed through the rising steam at the worry in her father's eyes. It was the same look he had when she insisted on leading a caravan on the Silk Road for the first time four years ago, which had turned his hair white with anxiety. Yet, she had insisted on going, and in the end, returned safely, bringing back beautiful carpets, silks, and furs that were not available in the Central Plains, along with the first significant profit she had ever earned through her own business acumen.

"Recently, a group of unidentified bandits has been wreaking havoc in the Helan Mountains. So, Minister Ma suggested that this time, you disguise the caravan as a wedding procession to avoid drawing attention. This way, we can avoid attracting the notice of Liao people and bandits, while also ensuring your safety," Jun Chengliu carefully explained Minister Ma's proposal.

Engaging in a prolonged standoff with the Liao dynasty is not a viable solution, yet the Song dynasty lacks the strength to confront the Liao directly. Especially now, with only one son left in General Yang's family, the Song dynasty no longer has trustworthy commanders capable of leading an army. As a result, the plan to ally with Western Xia to attack the Liao is still in its early stages and must be carried out discreetly to avoid drawing the Liao's attention. Minister Ma originally intended to send some skilled martial artists from the jianghu to deliver messages secretly, but he feared they might be robbed by bandits along the way. On the other hand, dispatching Song soldiers would be too conspicuous and would certainly arouse suspicion. In the end, Minister Ma and Prince Zhaoping agreed to announce a false marriage of the princess Yunhui as a cover to secretly deliver confidential documents. Of course, it wouldn’t be the real princess, but rather a woman with considerable martial skills from the jianghu disguised as the bride. As for the escort, they could openly send the imperial guards, which would not raise any eyebrows. Accompanying the caravan with traders on a business trip would make the plan even less suspicious.

On the surface, this plan seemed flawless, but mixing political risk into what was originally a straightforward Silk Road journey made it a dangerous gamble. Not only would they have to guard against bandits, but also against the Liao people. If their cover was blown, the Song dynasty would certainly deny any involvement. The most troubling part was that the confidential documents would be hidden on Qiluo herself, as Minister Ma trusted her more than anyone else.

"Is that so?" Qiluo frowned slightly, deep in thought. She understood the risks better than anyone! But if this could remove the Khitan threat once and for all, wouldn’t that be a great victory? However, could things really go that smoothly? The Liao dynasty was at its peak, completely different from the brutal regime of Yelü Deguang. They now had the wise and strategic Empress Dowager Xiao, the capable and benevolent Yelü Longxu, who had won the hearts of the Han people in the northern regions, and the competent minister Han Dejiang assisting in the governance of the state. Was this truly the right time to try to wipe them out? Back when General Yang Ye and his seven sons were making their names on the battlefield, they were still crushed by the Liao army, proving that the Liao’s strength was formidable. But things couldn’t continue like this forever! The cession of the Sixteen Prefectures of Yan and Yun had already placed the Song dynasty in a vulnerable position. If they could seize this opportunity to change their fate, every citizen of Song should give their all.

With her mind made up, she immediately asked, "Do you need me to go to Bianjing?"

"Can’t you just not go?" Jun Chengliu growled. He was starting to regret teaching her to read and write! Though being illiterate would have stifled her potential, at least she wouldn’t be living such a dangerous life. If Qiluo didn’t want to go, he could refuse Minister Ma’s request without hesitation.

"Father, I’ll be fine! I’ve been on many trips, and I’ve always returned safely. Besides, this time we’ll have highly skilled imperial guards accompanying us—it’s just delivering a message! If this succeeds, our future will be even more secure." Since she had decided to take over her father’s business, she knew she had to face every challenge herself.

"Qiluo! Return to being a woman! From now on, there should be no more Jun Feifan!" He couldn’t bear the thought of any unfortunate outcome, and the more he thought about it, the more panicked he became. Yes, his daughter had trained in martial arts for two years, but that was just to make her stronger than other women, not to prepare her for facing ruthless bandits or those terrifying Liao soldiers. In the face of such threats, she would be as helpless as any other victim.

Jun Qiluo raised a faint smile, both stunningly beautiful and extremely cold, with an undeniable firmness behind it. There was a reason she had earned the respect of merchants from all sides by the age of twenty—she possessed the resolute calmness, decisiveness, and determination that her kind-hearted father lacked.

"Father! Unless the Jun family finds an heir more capable than I am, Qiluo will remain Jun Feifan for life!"


"Do I need to go to Bianjing? Minister Ma should still be in Hangzhou, right?" She handed her father the warm tea, signaling that the matter was already decided and there was no more room for debate.

Jun Chengliu sighed once again. How he wished this daughter, who made him so proud, had been born a son! The crescent-moon-colored round-collared shirt and robe, both made from newly developed kesi silk, looked even more elegant and distinguished on her. She was the perfect advertisement for kesi silk, which was why its market price had recently soared above all other silks. But Qiluo should be wearing "Qiluo" fabrics! Yet she never used "Qiluo" fabrics to make her clothes because they were too soft, too feminine—if she were to wear women's clothing, even her two sisters' extraordinary beauty wouldn't compare to a tenth of hers! But alas...

"Father, I will definitely return. You know that Qiluo never makes promises she can't keep!" she earnestly assured him once more.

This girlish demeanor only appeared when she needed something from him.

Jun Chengliu shook his head. "Minister Ma will come tomorrow to discuss the details with you. Going to Bianjing would only draw attention! I've told you, if this mission fails, the court will never admit to it, and it can never be said that it was ordered by the emperor! Qiluo, I agree to let you go!" He had made his decision.

"Father?" Her father’s quick agreement made her suddenly wary.

"But after the mission is completed, I want you to marry Shao Tiemin immediately! And he must accompany you on this journey!"

"No!" She rejected the idea outright. She would not marry! Not even to Tiemin, who had grown up with her and taught her martial arts. Even though he wouldn’t mind her abilities and would only gaze at her lovingly and stay by her side, he still wasn’t the man of her dreams. No!

She would not become any man’s woman!

Jun Chengliu forced a sorrowful smile and let out a couple of low laughs. "Then I’ll just have to go to Western Xia myself!"

Jun Qiluo closed her eyes tightly, her mind racing. She never expected her father to give her an ultimatum. Twenty years old—already past the usual marriageable age, she had long declared her intention not to marry! The same determination she had shown when she repeatedly removed the foot-binding cloths as a child indicated that she had known all along how she wanted to live her life.

She hadn't allowed her late mother to bind her feet into the customary three-inch golden lilies, nor had she let her father’s opposition stifle the existence of Jun Feifan. She certainly wasn’t going to marry Shao Tiemin and take his surname! Even if he loved her to the point of madness, it still wouldn’t happen!

"Does Shao Tiemin know?" she managed to force out.

"He doesn’t! He wouldn’t dare even think about it. But he’s the only one who would willingly marry into our family and wouldn’t stop you from running the business!" Jun Chengliu had long seen Shao Tiemin as the perfect candidate for his eldest daughter’s husband. Whether or not he was of suitable status no longer mattered—as long as there was a man who could give Qiluo the autonomy she needed...

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