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Weariness of Spring Flowers — Chapter 12.2

Mei Lin didn’t go anywhere special; she simply visited the old man and returned with some basic detoxifying and pain-relieving herbs. Deep down, she knew they wouldn’t be very effective, but she figured it was worth a try.

In truth, she could have reported Murong Jing He's condition back to the organization, or revealed the location of the mysterious tomb beneath the stone forest. Either of these actions would have secured her the antidote, and the best kind at that. However, this thought only flashed through her mind briefly before she dismissed it without hesitation.

Not only would exposing Murong Jing He's whereabouts cause immense trouble, but after finally getting a chance to break free from the organization, it would be foolish to go back and stir up more problems. Moreover, she still couldn’t be sure if Murong Jing He was the person she thought he might be, so she dared not act rashly.

Her attempt to trick him earlier had only deepened her confusion instead of providing any clarity. But that wasn’t surprising—after the ordeal at Zhongshan, she knew that when it came to mind games, she was no match for him. Rather than continuing this way, it might be better to be straightforward from now on.

Back at home, Mei Lin brewed the herbal medicine and drank it. Apart from the warmth that slid down her throat to her stomach and the bitter taste, there was no other noticeable effect. The pain remained as sharp and excruciating as ever, like a thousand needles piercing her bones, a pain she had grown accustomed to over the years but could never truly get used to.

Her strength was gradually fading, while her internal energy was surging, straining her poisoned and weakened meridians, as if it would burst out and tear her apart at any moment.

She had always known that the return of her internal energy was peculiar, but she hadn’t expected it to become deadly one day.

Trembling, she grasped onto something nearby and stood up. Before she could catch her breath, her stomach churned, and she vomited up all the medicine she had just consumed. The kitchen, already filled with the smell of herbs, became even more pungent.

Mei Lin wiped the remnants from her mouth and nose with a handkerchief, steadied herself, and then walked over to the water jar to rinse her mouth with cold water.

When she reappeared before Murong Jing He, she had composed herself, looking clean and tidy, with nothing but a pale complexion to betray her condition. Since Murong Jing He had already asked her once without getting an answer, he didn’t ask again.

Two days passed like this, until on the third day, Mei Lin finally collapsed in front of Murong Jing He. When she woke up and saw his furrowed brow, she didn’t offer any explanation, merely drank some cold water to revive her spirits.

"I can’t take care of you anymore…" she said bluntly upon returning, pausing before adding, "Tell me a reliable place, and I’ll take you there." As she spoke, a sudden wave of sadness washed over her. It dawned on her that even if she wanted to take care of him for the rest of his life, even if he was willing to let her, it wouldn’t be possible.

Murong Jing He quietly observed her face, which had grown alarmingly thin over the past two days, and slowly asked, "If you abandon me, where will you go?"

The word "abandon" stung Mei Lin like a thorn in her heart, but she didn’t want to dwell on it. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she forced a bitter smile and replied, "I’ll just wander wherever I can." She had originally planned to settle down here, but the unbearable pain from the poison meant she could only wander, hoping to find a cure. Even a slight relief from the pain would be welcome.

Murong Jing He fell silent, his gaze shifting from her face to the distant mountains outside the window, their green peaks interspersed with browns, yellows, and deep reds. After a long pause, he said quietly, "If you find me a burden, just leave. There’s no need to worry about me."

Mei Lin was taken aback. She hadn’t expected him to say that. Given his usual temperament, if he still needed her, he would likely resort to threats rather than speaking in such a resentful tone.

She opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but couldn’t find the right words. In the end, she just sighed softly and walked out.

Of course, she wouldn’t abandon him, but it wasn’t realistic to drag a paralyzed person around in search of a cure. So, she remained where she was, taking it one day at a time.

"They say the leaves of the datura plant combined with the roots of radix aconiti can relieve pain," Murong Jing He suddenly said one day.

These two herbs could be found in the mountains. Mei Lin had no other concerns by now, so she decided to try them. She boiled some in water and drank it. The effect wasn’t immediate, but after an hour or two, just when she was starting to think it hadn’t worked, the pain that had tormented her for days began to ease significantly.

Mei Lin wondered if increasing the dosage could completely eliminate the pain. So, when her strength returned a little, she went into the mountains and collected a large basket full of datura and radix aconiti, figuring it was better to have more on hand. When Murong Jing He saw this through the window, he was startled.

"If you want to die, that dagger would be quicker and cleaner. No need to go through all this trouble," he quickly called out to her, exasperated.

That’s when Mei Lin realized that using too much of these herbs could be fatal. Her idea of increasing the dosage to counteract the poison’s effects had to be abandoned. But still, with these herbs, her condition was much improved.

The physical pain was no longer unbearable, and that night, she finally returned to the bed and, for the first time in days, slept until the effects of the herbs wore off and the pain woke her. Still, she was quite satisfied with this.

She went to the kitchen, brewed another bowl of medicinal soup, and while waiting for it to take effect, she prepared breakfast and helped Murong Jing He wash up. After breakfast, the medicine began to work, and she took advantage of the relief to head into the mountains to gather supplies for the winter.

Her internal energy continued to grow each day at a noticeably rapid pace. Though the pain had subsided and the energy no longer felt like it was about to burst out of her, it still swelled uncomfortably, leaving her itching to release it somehow.

Mei Lin threw herself into hunting with all her might, but she didn’t expect that despite being exhausted the previous day, her internal energy would surge even more after just one night’s sleep, becoming even more intense and powerful. For a martial artist, this phenomenon would seem like an unexpected blessing, but Mei Lin wasn’t thrilled. She could tell that this energy was different from what she had cultivated before in the dark factory. It was too fierce, so fierce that it might one day consume her entirely.

Murong Jing He clearly noticed something was amiss. Lying in bed all day, with nothing to do but watch the scenery outside the window, he couldn’t help but observe the only moving thing in the room. Watching her day after day, with his keen perception, he couldn’t miss it.

"What’s going on with your internal energy?" he asked one day while Mei Lin was massaging his body.

Mei Lin had been troubled by this issue and knew that Murong Jing He was knowledgeable and resourceful. His question hit the mark, so she quickly explained the situation. She didn’t expect him to provide a solution, but even if he could help her figure out part of the reason, it would be enough.

After listening, a gleam of interest appeared in Murong Jing He's eyes. He was clearly intrigued.

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