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Weariness of Spring Flowers — Chapter 2.1

The next morning, before dawn, Mei Lin was rudely awakened by a kick. Murong Jing He, while his attendants dressed him, lightly kicked her until she opened her eyes.

"Get up. Today, I’ll allow you to join me for the hunt," he said, as if bestowing a great favor.

Mei Lin’s eyes were still sore, and she was confused by his words. She shifted her naked body under the blanket, wincing in pain as she sucked in a sharp breath, her face contorting in discomfort. But when Murong Jing He’s gaze fell on her again, she forced herself to sit up, her waist feeling like it had turned to jelly, and hastily dressed herself behind the cover of the blanket.

Perhaps she was too accustomed to training while injured, for even in this state, she didn’t consider finding an excuse to avoid going.

When she stepped outside, Adai, who had ultimately remained by Murong Jing He’s side, was already fully dressed and standing at the tent entrance, her head slightly bowed in a respectful gesture. However, as Mei Lin passed by her, she looked up, her eyes filled with undisguised contempt and disgust, clearly disdainful of Mei Lin’s willingness to degrade herself.

Mei Lin smiled faintly but didn’t respond.

Murong Jing He didn’t order another horse to be prepared, instead insisting that Mei Lin ride with him. Mei Lin couldn’t understand his intention. She certainly didn’t flatter herself into thinking that after one night, he had developed any affection for her, or that he would risk angering the Emperor for her sake.

Recalling how the Emperor’s face had darkened and his mustache had quivered with barely contained rage when he saw her sitting in Murong Jing He’s lap before they set off, Mei Lin couldn’t help but find the situation amusing, even though she still couldn’t fathom what Murong Jing He was up to. It wasn’t until they encountered the woman in military attire that everything became clear, including Adai’s special treatment.

They met at the edge of the forest, just as Mei Lin’s entire body was beginning to ache from the bumpy ride. The woman appeared on a tall, jet-black horse, and it became evident that Murong Jing He had been lingering at the forest’s edge, waiting for her. As soon as she came into view, he immediately rode forward to meet her.

"Luo Mei." Mei Lin didn’t need to look back to sense the sudden excitement in Murong Jing He’s voice.

Luo Mei—Muyi Luo Mei, the first female general of Dayan, a figure known throughout the empire. Mei Lin had heard of her but hadn’t expected her to be so young.

As they drew closer, the face beneath the brim of the feathered cap became clearer—bright eyes, cherry lips, and skin as white as jade, she was a stunning beauty. Yet her sharp gaze, combined with the sleek armor she wore, added a touch of heroic vigor to her allure.

Luo Mei cast a cold glance at Mei Lin, who was nestled against Murong Jing He’s chest, and snorted disdainfully without a word before riding straight into the forest. Mei Lin noticed that her nose was sharp and slightly upturned, similar to Adai’s, but without the same discordant feeling. In that moment, she realized that Adai had likely been chosen for her resemblance to the general’s nose.

Murong Jing He, clearly accustomed to such coldness, didn’t seem to mind. He pulled on the reins and followed her, waving off the guards who tried to follow.

After yesterday’s hunt, countless paths had been trampled through the forest, making it easy for the horses to navigate, though there was little game to be seen. If they wanted to make any progress today, they would need to venture deeper into the woods. After about the time it takes to burn an incense stick, they encountered several groups of people, including Murong Xuan Lie and his personal guards.

Seeing Murong Jing He holding a woman in his arms while following another woman, Murong Xuan Lie couldn’t help but laugh and tease him with a few remarks before quickly leaving with his men, disappearing into the dense forest before Luomei could react. With no outlet for her frustration, Luo Mei turned to Murong Jing He and coldly said, "Your Highness, you should stop following me to avoid unnecessary gossip." With that, she spurred her horse forward and galloped away.

This time, Murong Jing He didn’t immediately follow. Instead, he leisurely trotted in the direction she had gone, taking Mei Lin along.

"Do you know how to hunt?" he suddenly asked Mei Lin.

Mei Lin, already uncomfortable from the ride, shook her head at first, then realized that wasn’t the right answer and quickly corrected herself. "No, Your Highness," she replied, keeping her gaze averted from the man. For some reason, she felt a lingering fear of him, perhaps a shadow left by the previous night’s events.

She expected the conversation to end there, but to her surprise, Murong Jing He, for reasons she couldn’t fathom, enthusiastically said, "I’ll teach you." He then took a crossbow from his horse and began instructing her on how to use it, seemingly unconcerned about Luo Mei’s departure.

Back at the dark factory, Mei Lin had, of course, learned how to use a strong bow and powerful crossbow, but with her martial skills now gone, she couldn’t even pull back an ordinary bow. Fortunately, Murong Jing He’s crossbow was a light, well-crafted one, so she managed to handle it without too much difficulty. However, his sudden shift to a gentle and affectionate demeanor left her feeling uneasy, making her unsure of what to do with her hands and feet, let alone how to use the crossbow. Murong Jing He found her clumsy attempts amusing and was even more determined to teach her how to shoot and kill prey.

Unknowingly, the two had ventured deep into the dense forest, with no sign of anyone else around them. Suddenly, the underbrush rustled, and Murong Jing He pulled the horse to a stop. Leaning close to Mei Lin’s ear, he whispered, "Focus over there." As he spoke, he raised her arms, which were holding the crossbow, and guided her aim.

Feeling his warm breath against her ear, combined with his almost embracing posture, Mei Lin found herself momentarily dazed. Before she could fully regain her composure, the arrow had already been released from the crossbow with a sharp whizz, piercing into the thicket.

"You hit it," Murong Jing He said, releasing his hold on her, his voice returning to its usual tone.

She could feel the subtle vibrations of his chest against her back as he spoke. For a fleeting moment, Mei Lin found his slightly husky voice surprisingly pleasant. Shaking her head and biting her lip, the sharp pain quickly brought her back to her senses. She realized with a start that she had almost lost herself in the moment, breaking out in a light sweat.

For as long as she could remember, she had always faced harsh environments and cold, cruel people. She had learned to handle these challenges with ease. But no one had ever told her what to do if someone treated her kindly.

"Let’s go take a look," Murong Jing He’s voice broke through her confusion once more. He lifted her off the horse, setting her gently on the ground.

After sitting on the horse for so long, coupled with the exhaustion from the previous night, Mei Lin’s legs nearly gave out as soon as they touched the ground. She almost collapsed, but Murong Jing He caught her in time, holding her steady until she could stand on her own before letting go.

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