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Weariness of Spring Flowers — Chapter 3.5

Of course, this fleeting sympathy didn’t last long. Mei Lin couldn’t forget that her life was still in the hands of others. It was clear that Luo Mei was already suspicious of her, a risk she had accepted when she chose to return to Murong Jing He in the forest. But she had no other choice. Even if the antidote she received took time to work, it was still an antidote. Without it, she would die a miserable death, as countless predecessors had proven.

Staring at the well-lit corner of the room, Mei Lin thought about the tests she might face the next day. She suddenly realized her luck wasn’t very good. Why was it that Adai, who had been brought back at the same time as her, didn’t seem to have half as many troubles?

Could it be that she was too obedient? The thought crossed her mind, but she didn’t dare move as she lay on her side.

The man’s chest pressed against her back, his breathing steady and deep, indicating that he had fallen asleep. His slightly rough fingertips rested firmly on her brow, and due to this position, half of her face was covered by his warm palm. It wasn’t particularly comfortable, but it wasn’t unbearable either. The constant light of the candles burning all night long made it difficult for her to sleep deeply.

No extinguishing the candles, no sleeping face-to-face with him, no lying behind him, no turning over... The man had many peculiar habits, making it a torturous experience to share a bed with him. It also proved just how cautious he truly was.

After coming to this realization, Mei Lin had to admit how naive she had been in thinking she could easily get the antidote by staying in this place.

* * *

The next morning, when Murong Jing He brought Mei Lin to the agreed-upon meeting place with Luo Mei, they were greeted by a chilling scene of fluttering banners and soldiers in full armor.

Murong Jing He raised an eyebrow, tightening his arm around the woman’s waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder, muttering in a strange tone, "What’s all this about?"

Unlike his curious skepticism, Mei Lin felt a strong sense of foreboding. She wanted to flee rather than watch as the horse’s hooves steadily brought them closer to the soldiers in training.

Luo Mei rode toward them, dressed in black armor with a light blue cloak billowing behind her. A servant followed, holding a silver set of armor. Further away, an unexpected figure—Murong Xuan Lie—was tightening his battle robe with the help of a servant, flashing a smile as he waved in their direction.

"Today, we’ll see if the once mighty War King still has his legendary prowess," Luo Mei said coolly as she approached, gesturing for her servant to present the armor to Murong Jing He’s horse. Although she maintained a cold and aloof demeanor, the anticipation in her eyes was unmistakable.

But Murong Jing He didn’t even glance at the armor. Instead, he tugged on the reins, guiding his horse to circle around them and continue forward.

"Those days are long gone. Now, with beauty in my arms and wine in my cup, why would I want to relive the days of sleeping on the edge of a sword? General Luo, don’t make me revisit old dreams." For the first time, Mei Lin heard him speak to Luo Mei in such a distant tone. She was both surprised and shocked to learn that the man who appeared so weakened by indulgence had once commanded armies and led battles.

Clearly, Luo Mei had never been so openly disregarded. Her face flushed with anger, then paled, and it took her a moment to turn her horse around and catch up, shouting, "Jing He, are you going to continue down this path of degradation?"

Murong Jing He’s body stiffened slightly. He turned back to see the pained expression on her face, as if she couldn’t bear to see his wasted potential. A mischievous smile played on his lips as he pulled Mei Lin closer, planting a light but deliberate kiss on her fair cheek. He sighed nostalgically, "It’s been a long time since you called me that. Since you insist, I’ll wear it. If Father punishes me, I’ll just have to admit I’m afraid of my wife."

If it weren’t for the sting on her cheek and her inappropriate status, Mei Lin might have burst out laughing.

"If you’re going to wear it, then hurry up and stop talking nonsense," Luo Mei snapped, though she didn’t seem upset by his teasing. It was clear that his compliance had lifted her spirits.

"Don’t worry about Father. General Luo has already asked for his permission," Murong Xuan Lie said as he adjusted the sword at his waist and walked over, his battle robe now secured.

Murong Jing He sighed in resignation and jumped down from the horse with Mei Lin still in his arms. After she greeted them, he finally asked, "Why have you come, Elder Brother?"

Murong Xuan Lie smiled and personally took the armor from the servant, shaking it out before helping him don it. "General Luo is planning an interesting game, and I couldn’t miss it."

A game... Mei Lin, who had been quietly trying to minimize her presence, shivered at the word, instinctively feeling that she would be involved in this "game."

Murong Jing He glanced at her, frowning. "What are you standing there for? Come help me get dressed!"

Murong Xuan Lie smiled faintly and stepped back to make room.

"If not for the Crown Prince’s recommendation, His Majesty wouldn’t have agreed to let me handle the prisoners," Luo Mei added.

As she spoke, Mei Lin noticed that besides the well-dressed soldiers, there was another group of people, dressed in rags and looking terrified. Their hands and feet were bound, and they were huddled together in the open space—three or four hundred of them, at least.

Murong Jing He gave them a quick glance, frowning as he asked, "What kind of game is worth all this flattery?" His voice was dripping with sarcasm, revealing his foul mood. Only Mei Lin, who was fastening his belt, noticed that his half-lidded eyes betrayed no real emotion.

Luo Mei, seeing that he was almost fully dressed, carefully scrutinized him, searching for any trace of the man he used to be. But Murong Jing He looked haggard and unwell, and the gleaming armor only made him appear more ordinary and vulgar, completely obscuring any hint of his former handsomeness.

Disappointment clouded her eyes as she turned away. "Rather than waste food on prisoners, we might as well use them to train the troops." Unable to contain her frustration, she added bitterly, "Indulgence has worn away your ambition!"

With that, she lashed her horse and galloped toward the soldiers, her anger evident.

Murong Xuan Lie shook his head. "General Luo has such a fiery spirit. Jing He, you’ll have to work hard if you want to win her over." With that, he leisurely walked away to join the soldiers.

Murong Jing He raised his head, squinting at the woman addressing the troops. The morning sun peeked over the green forest, casting its light on her, making her seem to glow.

He let out a self-deprecating laugh, then suddenly pulled Mei Lin into his arms and kissed her roughly on the lips. His face full of mockery, he said, "I’ve been rejected, what should I do... what should I do..." He buried his face in her neck, rubbing against her like a spoiled child.

Mei Lin had to struggle to keep her balance. Knowing he didn’t need her to respond, she silently stared at the distant forest, lost in thought. 

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