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Adele: What Fills Her Heart — Part 2

Though his life was not in danger, and the fever eventually began to subside, Francis started to feel a numbness in his hands and feet.
The doctor, trying to soothe his concerns, explained that it was too early to declare this a lasting effect, as the long immobility caused by the fever might be contributing.
But Francis, feeling the reality in his own body, couldn’t easily accept the reassurance.

Adele, who had been praying endlessly for his recovery, was finally granted permission to visit once his fever had gone down.
When she saw her emaciated and weakened fiancé, she held her breath, then slowly exhaled and gently spoke.

“How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine.”

Yes, I am of sound mind, he thought.
I am still capable of making rational decisions.
With that in mind, Francis calmly delivered the necessary words.

* * *

“Adele, no, Lady Dranoë, I hereby annul our engagement.”

“As you wish, Your Highness.”

That was her response.
Her expression remained steady, as if she had already made up her mind.

The attendants in Francis’ room were taken aback by the suddenness of it all.
However, after quietly offering her farewell, Adele left the room and said,
“Please inform His Majesty the King that, until tomorrow, I would like some time to consider this matter.”

* * *

The next day, Francis, still unwell, awoke late.
As he tried to sit up, the maid who had been attending him moved the covers aside and propped him up with cushions, as usual.

After placing a tray with water for rinsing his mouth and a towel for his face in front of him, she asked,
“Your Highness, would you like something to eat?”

At the sound of the voice, Francis looked up to see the maid.
It was Adele, the very woman to whom he had annulled his engagement the day before.


“What is it, Your Highness?”

“Why are you here? I told you yesterday that our engagement was annulled.”

“I heard you, Your Highness. That’s why I’m here.”

Francis, his mind clearer than the day before, thought carefully.

“It seems I wasn’t clear enough yesterday. Let me explain further.

I will likely suffer lasting aftereffects from this illness.
I may have to relinquish my position as crown prince.

You should not be bound by your engagement to me.
I want you to find someone more suitable for you.”

To do so, he would even ask for the king’s help.
There was nothing wrong with Adele—she was an exceptional woman, and he couldn’t allow her to be tied to him out of obligation.

“With all due respect, allow me to speak.”

Adele stared directly at Francis.

“I once told you that the children at the orphanage are my teachers.”

Ah, he remembered. Those words were precious to him, something he had etched into his heart.

“The children at the orphanage start doing chores from a young age.
Under the watchful eyes of adults, they work together to live their daily lives.

But even so, the very young ones can’t do much.
Even if they want to help, sometimes they end up being more of a hindrance.”

In the orphanage, food and supplies were never abundant.
There wasn’t the luxury to waste anything, so there was little room for trial and error.

“When that happens, for example during meal preparation, the smallest children are seated at the table early and given the role of supervisors.”


“They check to see if there are enough plates for everyone, if the glasses are clean.
Their job is to carefully observe and inform the older children if anything is amiss.”

It was a heartwarming story, but how did it relate to their current conversation?

“The role of the supervisor isn’t a necessary one.
But by giving the child that role, it fills their heart.
To them, it’s a very important task.

As your fiancée, I’ve been taught many things—about royal etiquette, how to be a queen, and the knowledge necessary for entering the royal family.

All of it is important, but none of it fills my heart.”

“Was the education boring?”

“Not at all.”

Adele shook her head.

“When we first met, you didn’t seem very eager.”

That was true.
He had no idea what to expect from an eight-year-old girl and simply hoped she wouldn’t be troublesome.

“The more I learned, the more I began to understand just how difficult your position as crown prince truly is.
No, I can’t say I understand it fully, but still, I wanted to be of help to you.”


“When I see you smile, it fills my heart.

I don’t mind if our engagement is annulled.

But, if possible, please allow me to stay by your side, even just a little, to help bring you some peace.
That is what will fill my heart.

Would you grant me this selfish wish?”


Francis tried to get out of bed but lacked the strength.

“Adele, I’m sorry. Come closer, please, come closer.”

Adele obediently approached the bed, and Francis finally managed to stretch out his arms and pull her into a hug.

“I’m sorry, I was wrong.
Without you, I don’t think I can recover.

Even if my body remains weak, or I become a mere provincial lord, I want you to stay with me.”

“Of course, I will, Francis.”

* * *

“See? I told you everything would be fine if you left it to Lady Adele.”

At the sound of his younger brother Ghislan’s voice, Francis looked up.
Peeking through the door were the king and queen, his two brothers, and his sister Mariel.

"Brother, I heard you're feeling discouraged due to your illness and considering giving up your position as crown prince?"

Leonard, the second youngest brother, spoke with a tone of disbelief.

"Your broad perspective and sense of justice are exactly what this kingdom needs in a king."

It was the first time his brother had ever praised him. Francis was taken aback.

"I agree," Ghislan chimed in, his words as blunt as ever, thanks to his time in the knights.

"Even if you lose the use of your hands or feet, what difference would it make for sitting on the throne? Having a few extra attendants isn’t exactly a sign of luxury."

"Exactly. Ghislan can serve as your sword and shield, and I will be your eyes and ears, gathering information for you. All you need to do is fulfill your role as the cornerstone of this kingdom, sitting firmly on the throne."

Just as no child at the orphanage should be left without a plate or a piece of bread, being the cornerstone was a crucial responsibility.

"Well, now that everything seems settled, may I borrow Lady Adele for a while? I had no idea maid uniforms could be so charming! I think there's potential for a fashionable maid outfit as everyday wear. Sister, let's chat over tea!"

Mariel, now grown and past her tantrum-throwing days, had retained her habit of acting immediately once an idea came to her.

Seeing the children so content, the king and queen exchanged peaceful smiles and quietly left the room.

* * *

In the days that followed, Francis fully recovered, though a slight paralysis remained in one of his legs.

"It might be God's way of telling you to walk slowly and take in the world at a more measured pace."

Adele said this, and true to her word, she matched his pace and stayed by his side for the rest of their lives. 

[The End]

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