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Classic of Mountains and Seas — Classic of the Great Wilderness: The North, Scroll Seventeen

 Beyond the southeastern sea, in the Great Wilderness between the rivers, stands Mount Fuyu, where Emperor Zhuanxu and his nine consorts are buried. Here, one can find Qiujiu, patterned shells, Li Yu, Luan Birds, Imperial Birds, large and small creatures. There are also blue birds, lang birds, black birds, yellow birds, tigers, leopards, bears, boars, yellow snakes, flesh-eating creatures, jade, and precious stones that protect the mountain. The hill spans three hundred li in circumference. To the south of the hill lies Emperor Jun’s bamboo grove, with bamboo large enough to make boats. To the south of the bamboo grove is the Red Marsh, called Fengyuan, and there are three branchless mulberry trees. To the west of the hill lies Shenyuan, where Zhuanxu once bathed.

There is the Kingdom of Houbuyu, where the people of the Lie surname eat millet.

In the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain called Mount Buxian, home to the Kingdom of Sushen. There are winged creatures called Feizhi, as well as a beast with a snake's body and four wings, called the Qin Worm.

There is a person called the Great Man, who lives in the Kingdom of Giants. The people of this kingdom bear the Li surname and eat millet. There is a large blue snake with a yellow head that feeds on deer.

There is Mount Yu, and Mount Chengzhou, which Gun once attacked.

In the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain named Mount Hengtian, as well as the Mountain of the Ancestors. There grows a thousand-li-wide Pan Tree.

The Kingdom of Shuchu, where the son of Zhuanxu resides, eats millet and commands four birds: tigers, leopards, bears, and boars. There is also a black creature that resembles a bear, named Lielie.

There is the Kingdom of Beiqi, where people of the Jiang surname also command tigers, leopards, bears, and boars.

In the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain called Mount Xiankan Dapeng, where the rivers flow into the northern seas. To the west of it is Mount Yu’s Stone Platform, built by Yu.

There is Mount Yang, and Mount Shun, from which the Shun River flows. There is the Kingdom of Shizhou and Mount Dan.

There is a thousand-li-wide great marsh where flocks of birds molt.

There is the Kingdom of Hairy People, whose people bear the Yi surname, eat millet, and command four birds. Yu gave birth to the Kingdom of Jun, which in turn birthed Yicai. Yicai fathered Xiutai, who killed the people of Chuo. The emperor, feeling pity, secretly established the Kingdom of Hairy People for them.

There is the Kingdom of Daner, where people of the Ren surname, descendants of Yuhao, eat grain. In the North Sea, on an island, there is a god with a human face and a bird’s body, wearing two green snakes as earrings and stepping on two red snakes. This god is called Yuqiang.

In the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain called the Northern Pole Heavenly Chest, where the waters of the sea flow northward. There is a god with nine heads, a human face, and a bird’s body, called the Nine Phoenixes. Another god, with a tiger’s head, a human body, four hooves, and long arms, holds snakes in its mouth and hands. This god is called Qiangliang.

In the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain called Chengdu Mountain, where people wear two yellow snakes as earrings and hold two yellow snakes. This person is called Kuafu. Houtu gave birth to Xin, and Xin gave birth to Kuafu. Kuafu, overestimating his strength, chased the sun to the Valley of Yu but could not catch it. He tried to drink from the river, but it was not enough, so he ran to the Great Marsh. Before reaching it, he died. Yinglong, after killing Chiyou, also killed Kuafu, and then moved to the south, which is why the south has much rain.

There is also the Kingdom of the Gutless People, who bear the Ren surname. They do not have children and eat fish.

The minister of Gonggong, named Xiangyao, had nine heads and a snake’s body, coiled around itself and feeding on nine lands. The places he consumed became marshes, barren and salty, where no animals could live. Yu controlled the floods and killed Xiangyao. His blood stank so badly that crops could not grow. The land became waterlogged and uninhabitable. Yu turned it into a marsh, and the emperors used it as a platform. This place is north of Kunlun.

There is Mount Yue, where bamboo grows.

In the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain called Bujie, where the sea flows.

There is Mount Xikun and the Platform of Gonggong. Archers dare not shoot northward, fearing the Platform of Gonggong. There is a person dressed in blue named Nuwa, the daughter of the Yellow Emperor. When Chiyou created weapons and attacked the Yellow Emperor, the Yellow Emperor sent Yinglong to fight him in the wilderness of Jizhou. Yinglong brought water, and Chiyou called for the Wind Lord and Rain Master to create a great storm. The Yellow Emperor then sent the celestial woman Nuwa, who stopped the rain, allowing him to kill Chiyou. Nuwa could not return to heaven, and so wherever she stayed, it did not rain. Shujun reported this to the emperor, who placed her north of the Red Water. Shujun became the ancestor of agriculture. Nuwa sometimes disappeared, and anyone chasing her would shout, “The goddess goes north!” clearing the way for water channels and canals.

There is a person who eats fish, called the Kingdom of Deep-Eyed People, who bear the Pan surname and eat fish.

There is Mount Zhong, and a woman dressed in blue called the Woman of the Red Water.

In the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain named Rongfu, where the Shun River flows. There is a person named Quanrong. The Yellow Emperor fathered Miaolong, who fathered Rongwu. Rongwu fathered Nongming, and Nongming fathered the White Dog. The White Dog had both male and female forms, and thus the Quanrong people, who are meat-eaters, were born. There is a red beast that resembles a horse but has no head, named the Corpse of King Rongxuan.

There is Mount Qizhou, Mount Jun, Mount Qian, Mount Xianye, and Mount Yu.

There is a person with one eye in the center of their face, born of the Wei surname, the son of Shaohao. They eat millet.

There is the Kingdom of the Bone-Less People, of the Ren surname. They do not have children and eat air and fish.

Beyond the Northwestern Sea, east of the Flowing Sands, there is a country called Zhongbian, the son of Zhuanxu.

There is a country called Laiqiu and the Kingdom of Quanrong. There is a god with a human face and a beast’s body, called Quanrong.

Beyond the Northwestern Sea, north of the Black Water, there are people with wings, called the Miaomin. Zhuanxu fathered Huantou, and Huantou fathered the Miaomin, who bear the Li surname and eat meat. There is a mountain called Mount Zhang.

In the Great Wilderness, there is Mount Hengshi, Mount Jiuyin, and Mount Dongye, where red trees with blue leaves and red flowers grow, called the Ruo Tree.

There is the Kingdom of Niuli. There is a person without bones, a descendant of Daner.

Beyond the Northwestern Sea, north of the Red Water, there is Mount Zhangwei. There is a god with a human face and a snake's body, red in color, with straight eyes that open and close. When his eyes are closed, it becomes dark; when they are open, it becomes light. He neither eats nor sleeps, and he controls the wind and rain. He illuminates the darkness—this is the Torch Dragon.

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