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Classic of Mountains and Seas — Classic of Regions Beyond the Seas: The North, Scroll Eight

From the northeast corner of the overseas regions to the northwest corner:

The Wu Xi Kingdom lies east of the Long-Leg Kingdom. Its people are without knees.

The deity of Mount Zhong, named Zhuo Yin, watches and creates day, closes his eyes and it becomes night, blows to create winter, exhales to bring summer. He neither drinks, eats, nor breathes, and when he breathes out, it becomes wind. His body stretches a thousand li. He dwells east of the Wu Xi Kingdom. He is a being with a human face and a snake’s body, red in color, living at the foot of Mount Zhong.

The One-Eye Kingdom is east of him, where the people have a single eye in the center of their faces. Some say they also have hands and feet.

The Rou Li Kingdom lies east of the One-Eye Kingdom. Its people have one hand and one foot, their bodies bent backward, and they walk with their feet twisted upward. Some say it is the Liu Li Kingdom, where people’s feet bend backward.

One of Gong Gong’s ministers was named Xiangliu. He had nine heads and fed on nine mountains. Wherever Xiangliu passed, the land became marshy. Yu fought Xiangliu, but the stench of his blood prevented crops from being planted. Yu subdued him by sinking him beneath the earth, creating a platform for the multitude of emperors. This place is north of Kunlun, east of the Rou Li Kingdom. Xiangliu had nine human faces on a snake’s body with blue skin. No one dared shoot arrows to the north, fearing Gong Gong’s platform. The platform is to the east. It is square-shaped, and at each corner stands a tiger-colored snake, with its head facing south.

The Deep-Eyes Kingdom is to the east, where the people have one hand and one large eye.

The No-Intestines Kingdom is east of the Deep-Eyes Kingdom. Its people are tall but lack intestines. The Nie Er Kingdom lies east of the No-Intestines Kingdom. Its people have two tiger-like stripes on their hands, and they constantly pull at their ears. They live in the middle of the sea, where strange creatures come and go. Two tigers are to the east of them.

Kuafu chased the sun and nearly caught it. Thirsty, he drank from the Yellow and Wei Rivers, but they were insufficient. He headed north to drink from the Great Marsh but died of thirst before he could reach it. His staff was discarded and transformed into the Deng Forest.

The Bo Fu Kingdom lies east of the Nie Er Kingdom. Its people are large, and they hold a blue snake in their right hand and a yellow snake in their left. The Deng Forest is to the east of them, containing two large trees. Some call this the Bo Fu Kingdom.

The mountain where Yu piled up stones is east of this, where the river waters enter.

The Ju Ying Kingdom is east of here. Its people hold vines with one hand. Some call it the Li Ying Kingdom.

The Xun Tree grows a thousand li tall, south of Ju Ying, near the northwest bank of the river.

The Qi Zhong Kingdom is east of Ju Ying, where the people are large, and their feet are also large. Some call it the Da Zhong Kingdom.

In the plains of Ou Si, east of Da Zhong, a woman kneels and presses tree branches while spinning silk.

The Three Mulberry Trees with no branches are east of Ou Si, each one towering a hundred ren with no branches.

The Fan Forest covers three hundred li and lies east of the Three Mulberry Trees, surrounded by islands at its base.

Mount Wu Yu, where Emperor Zhuanxu is buried in the sunny region and his nine consorts are buried in the shady region. Some say that bears, wild boars, patterned tigers, and red tigers are also there, as well as Qiujingjiu and flesh-eating creatures.

Ping Hill lies east of the Three Mulberry Trees. Here, one finds discarded jade, blue birds, flesh-eating creatures, willows, sweet cherries, sweet flowers, and all kinds of fruits. Two mountains flank the upper valley, with two large hills in the middle, known as Ping Hill.

Within the North Sea is a beast resembling a horse called the Tao Tu. Another beast there is called the Bo, which looks like a white horse with serrated teeth and eats tigers and leopards. There is also the Su Beast, which resembles a horse, and it is called the Qiongqiong. Another creature, the Luo Luo, resembles a blue tiger.

In the northern lands, there is Yuqiang, who has a human face and a bird’s body, wearing two blue snakes as earrings and stepping on two blue snakes.

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