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Classic of Mountains and Seas — Classic of the Great Wilderness: The West, Scroll Sixteen

Beyond the Northwestern Sea, in the corners of the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain that does not converge, called Bu Zhou Fu Zi, guarded by two yellow beasts. There is a body of water called the Cold Water. To the west of the water is Mount Shi, and to the east is Mount Mu. This is where Yu attacked the Gonggong Kingdom's mountain.

There is a kingdom called Shushi, where the descendants of Zhuanxu reside.

There are ten deities, called the intestines of Nuwa, who transformed into gods and now dwell in the broad plains of Li Guang, where they lie across the path.

There is a person named Shiyi, who brings the wind called Wei. He resides in the northwestern corner and governs the lengths of the days and nights.

There are five-colored birds with crowns, called the Frenzy Birds.

There is the Long Mountain in the Great Marsh. The Kingdom of the White People is found here.

Beyond the Northwestern Sea, to the east of the Red Water, lies the Kingdom of Long-Legged People.

There is the Kingdom of Xizhou, where people of the Ji surname eat grain. There is a person plowing the fields named Shujun. Emperor Jun gave birth to Hou Ji, and Hou Ji bestowed grain upon the people. Shujun, who was born of Hou Ji, replaced his father in sowing the grains and was the first to cultivate crops. There is the Red Kingdom and the Kingdom of Wives. There are also the Twin Mountains.

Beyond the Western Sea, in the middle of the Great Wilderness, is Mount Fang, atop which grows a green tree called the Song of Guige, where the sun and moon rise and set.

Beyond the Northwestern Sea, west of the Red Water, is the Kingdom of the Ancestors, who eat grain and command four birds.

There is the Kingdom of the Northern Di. The Yellow Emperor’s grandson, Shijun, fathered the Northern Di. There are also Mount Mang, Mount Gui, and Mount Yao. On top of Mount Yao is a person called Crown Prince Changqin. Zhuanxu fathered Laotong, who fathered Zhu Rong, who in turn fathered Crown Prince Changqin. He resides on Mount Yao and was the first to compose musical wind.

There are three five-colored birds: one is called the Imperial Bird, another the Luan Bird, and the third the Phoenix Bird.

There is an insect resembling a hare, naked from the chest down, and blue like an ape.

In the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain called Fengju Jade Gate, where the sun and moon set.

There is Mount Ling, where ten shamans—Wu Xian, Wu Ji, Wu Pan, Wu Peng, Wu Gu, Wu Zhen, Wu Li, Wu Di, Wu Xie, and Wu Luo—ascend and descend. All medicinal herbs are found here.

To the west is the Mountain of the Queen Mother, Mount He, and Mount Hai. The Kingdom of Wo is located here, where the Wo people reside. In the Fields of Wo, the Phoenix Bird’s eggs are eaten, and sweet dew is drunk. Whatever taste the people desire is readily available. Here, one finds Sweet Flowers, Xuangui, Sweet Pears, Yao Bi, White Wood, White Willow, flesh-eating creatures, Jade, White Cinnabar, Blue Cinnabar, and abundant silver and iron. The Luan and Phoenix Birds sing and dance here, and all the animals gather together in this place, which is called the Fields of Wo.

There are three blue birds with red heads and black eyes. One is called the Great [B132], another the Little [B132], and the third the Blue Bird.

There is the Platform of Xuanyuan, where archers dare not shoot westward, as they fear the Platform of Xuanyuan.

In the Great Wilderness, there is Dragon Mountain, where the sun and moon set. There are three lakes, called the Three Nao, which are the source of sustenance for the people of Kunwu.

There is a person dressed in blue, covering their face with their sleeves, called the Corpse of Nuchou.

There is a Kingdom of Women.

There is Mount Tao, Mount Meng, Mount Gui, and Mount Yutu.

There is a Kingdom of Men.

There is the Kingdom of Yanzhou, where five-colored birds look up to the heavens, called the Singing Birds. Here, the Phoenix leads a hundred joyful songs and dances.

There is the Kingdom of Xuanyuan. South of Jiangshan is a place where people live long lives, and the shortest-lived person lives for eight hundred years.

In the waters of the Western Sea resides a god with a human face and a bird’s body, wearing two blue snakes as earrings and stepping on two red snakes, named Yanzi.

In the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain called the Sun and Moon Mountain, which is the pivot of heaven. Wu Ji guards Heaven’s Gate, where the sun and moon enter. There is a god with a human face but no arms, with two feet attached to the head of the mountain, named Xu. Zhuanxu fathered Laotong, who fathered Zhong and Li. The Emperor commanded Zhong to ascend to the heavens and ordered Li to descend to the earth. On earth, Li fathered Xie, who resides at the western extremities and manages the passage of the sun, moon, and stars.

There is a person with reversed arms, named Tianyu.

There is a woman bathing in the moonlight. Emperor Jun’s wife, Changxi, gave birth to twelve moons, and this is where they first bathe.

There is Mount Xuandan, home to five-colored birds with human faces and hair. Also found here are green and yellow birds. Wherever they gather, the kingdom there will fall.

There is a pool called the Pool of Mengyi, where Emperor Zhuanxu was attacked.

In the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain called Aolaoju, where the sun and moon set.

There is a beast with heads on both sides, called Pingpeng.

There is Mount Wu and Mount He. There is the Golden Gate Mountain, where a person named Huangju’s Corpse resides. There are birds with joined wings, called the Winged Birds. There are white birds with blue wings, yellow tails, and black beaks. There is a red dog called the Heavenly Dog, and wherever it descends, war follows.

To the south of the Western Sea, along the shores of the Flowing Sands, between the Red Water and the Black Water, there is a great mountain named Kunlun Hill. There resides a god with a human face and a tiger’s body, adorned with markings and a white tail. Surrounding this mountain is the Abyss of Weak Water. Beyond it lies the Mountain of Flaming Fire, where anything thrown into it instantly ignites. There is a woman wearing a feathered headdress, with tiger teeth and a leopard’s tail, dwelling in a cave—she is called the Queen Mother of the West. All kinds of creatures inhabit this mountain.

In the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain named Changyang Mountain, where the sun and moon set.

There is the Kingdom of Cold Wilderness. There are two women, one a priestess and the other a servant.

There is the Kingdom of Shouma. The Lord of the Southern Peak married a woman from Zhoushan named Nu Qian. Nu Qian gave birth to Jige, and Jige gave birth to Shouma. Shouma stands upright but casts no shadow, and when they shout, there is no echo. This place is unbearably hot, and one cannot travel there.

There is a person without a head, who stands holding a spear and shield. He is called the Corpse of Xia Geng. When King Cheng Tang defeated Xia Jie on Mount Zhang, he beheaded Xia Geng. Geng, headless, continued to stand, and it is said that this was his punishment, thus he descended to Mount Wu.

There is a man named Wu Hui, who is unusual because he has no right arm, only a left one.

There is the Kingdom of Gai Mountain. There grows a tree with red bark and branches, and green leaves, called the Vermillion Tree.

There is a Kingdom of One-Armed People.

In the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain called Great Wilderness Mountain, where the sun and moon set. There is a person with three faces, the son of Zhuanxu. He has one arm and three faces and does not die. He is known as the man of the Great Wilderness Plains.

Beyond the Southwestern Sea, to the south of the Red Water and west of the Flowing Sands, there is a person who wears two green snakes as earrings and rides two dragons. His name is Xiahou Kai. Kai ascended to the heavens with three of his consorts, and from there he received The Nine Variations and The Nine Songs. In the Plains of Heaven, which are two thousand ren high, he began to sing The Nine Summons.

There is the Kingdom of the Hu People. The grandson of the Flame Emperor, named Lingjia, fathered the Hu People, who could ascend and descend from the heavens.

There is a fish called Yufu, which has a deformed body. After Zhuanxu’s death, he was resurrected. When the wind blows from the north, the waters rise, and the snake transforms into a fish, becoming the Yufu. When Zhuanxu died, he was brought back to life.

There is a blue bird with a yellow body, red feet, and six heads, called the Zhun Bird.

There is Mount Da Wu, as well as a mountain of gold. In the southwestern corner of the Great Wilderness, there are the mountains of Pianju and Changyang.

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