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Classic of Mountains and Seas — Classic of Regions Beyond the Seas: The East, Scroll Nine

 From the southeast corner of the overseas regions to the northeast corner:

Mount Changcha, where discarded jade, blue horses, flesh-eating creatures, willows, and sweet flowers are found, as well as sweet fruits, lies in the Eastern Sea. Two mountains flank the hill, and trees grow atop it. Another name for it is Mount Jiekui. Some say it is where all kinds of fruits grow, and it is located east of Emperor Yao’s burial site.

The Giant People Kingdom lies to the north, where the people are enormous. They sit and carve boats. Another version says it is north of Mount Changcha.

The Shebi Corpse Kingdom is to the north of that, where creatures have the bodies of beasts, human faces, and large ears, with two blue snakes coiled around them as earrings. Another version says it is the Gan Yu Corpse, located north of the Giant People Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Gentlemen lies further north, where the people wear robes and swords, eat beasts, and have two large tigers beside them. They are known for their humility and do not engage in disputes. There is a type of Xunhua grass here that grows in the morning and dies by the evening. Another version says it lies north of the Gan Yu Corpse Kingdom.

The [unknown] creatures are further north. Each has two heads. Another version says they are north of the Kingdom of Gentlemen.

In the Valley of Sunrise, the deity named Tian Wu resides. He is the Lord of Waters, and his form is that of a beast with eight heads, human faces, eight legs, and eight tails, all blue and yellow. He lives between two rivers to the north of the [unknown] creatures.

The Qingqiu Kingdom lies north of there, where foxes have four legs and nine tails. Another version says it is north of the Valley of Sunrise.

The Emperor ordered Shuhai to walk from the eastern edge to the western edge, taking 501,098,000 steps. Shuhai holds a tally in his right hand and points north of Qingqiu with his left. Another version says Yu the Great commanded Shuhai to do this. Some say it was 501,098,000 steps.

The Black-Teeth Kingdom is to the north, where the people are black-skinned and eat rice while devouring snakes, one red and one blue, that stay beside them. Another version says it lies north of Shuhai, where the people have black heads and eat rice with snakes, one of which is red.

Below this lies the Valley of Hot Waters. Atop it is a great Fusang tree where the ten suns bathe, located north of the Black-Teeth Kingdom. The tree grows in the middle of the water, and nine suns rest on the lower branches while one rests on the upper branch.

The Rain Master’s Concubine lives north of this. She is a black-skinned woman who holds a snake in each hand, with a blue snake in her left ear and a red snake in her right ear. Another version says she lives north of the ten suns, and her black body and human face are each holding a turtle.

The Xuangu Kingdom is north of this, where the people wear fish and eat birds, flanked by two birds. Another version says it lies north of the Rain Master’s Concubine.

The Hairy People Kingdom is north of that, where the people are covered in hair. Another version says it lies north of the Xuangu Kingdom.

The Lao People Kingdom is north of this, where the people have black skin. Some say they are a teaching people. Another version says it lies north of the Hairy People Kingdom, where the people have completely black faces, eyes, hands, and feet.

In the east lies Goumang, a deity with the body of a bird and the face of a human, riding two dragons.

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