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Glazed Tiles of the Past — Chapter 8. Every Flower Has Its Own Fate (Part 2)

Bright daylight in the boys' dorm.

Pei Shu lay on his bed, tossing his French vocabulary book onto the bunk below, and shouted, "Ah, I wish I could get rich!"

Bai Yun Sheng looked up. "How’d your language exam go?"

"Don't mention it, it was like doing that dance with Zheng Su Nian."

During last year’s New Year's event, Zheng Su Nian had been pushed on stage to dance to Girls’ Generation’s “Nobody” with a girl. A mischievous student had recorded it and uploaded the video to Renren, where thousands witnessed his lively legwork. Zheng Su Nian, washing brushes on the balcony, grabbed Pei Shu's socks hanging to dry, balled them up, and tossed them at his face.

"Thanks, man," Pei Shu jumped up and put the socks on. "Now I don't have to go down to get them."

Pei Shu's bed was rickety, creaking with every move. Bai Yun Sheng, sitting further away, frowned. "Whose phone is vibrating?"

Zheng Su Nian quickly wiped his hands and went to his desk. His phone was on vibrate and had spun in a 270-degree circle on the surface.

It was Shao Xue.

The creaking bed fell silent. Amongst the clattering and creaking, Pei Shu had climbed down the ladder and suddenly heard Zheng Su Nian say, "Pregnant?"

The room went dead silent.

Zheng Su Nian's expression turned serious. "How much does it cost?"

"Which hospital?"

"Okay, I’ll be there right away."

He hung up the phone and immediately reached into his drawer for his wallet. He pulled out a wad of cash, the look on his face clearly saying, "Not enough."

Before he could say anything, Bai Yun Sheng handed over twenty freshly withdrawn hundred-yuan bills. Pei Shu didn’t hesitate either, handing him his bank card. As Zheng Su Nian put on his jacket, Pei Shu couldn’t help but grab his sleeve and say, "How could you be so careless?"

Zheng Su Nian froze. "What do you mean careless?"

At that moment, Bai Yun Sheng caught on, his expression turning seriously grim: "Su Nian, this whole situation is pretty messed up."

Zheng Su Nian was even more puzzled: "What are you guys talking about?"

"What do you mean, 'what'? Who's pregnant? Why are you going to the hospital?" Bai Yun Sheng’s voice was harsh, "And on top of that, do you really think this little bit of money is enough?"

Zheng Su Nian smacked his forehead, half-annoyed and half-exasperated. "What on earth are you guys thinking? It's a cat! The cat from my old alley—she's pregnant, got hit by a car, and is in the hospital right now."

These days, vet bills are sky-high. Saving a cat costs as much as saving a person; without three to five thousand yuan, you can’t even get started. "Wu Yun Ta Xue" (Black Cloud Treading Snow) was in serious condition—she was already old, having a difficult labor, with skin problems, and now hit by a car. Shao Xue had already spent two months of her allowance trying to help, but it wasn’t enough.

When they moved away, they hadn’t been able to keep tabs on her. Wu Yun Ta Xue had always been a stray, independent and able to catch mice to survive. But with the changing environment, she didn’t want to leave the high-rise area and had narrowly avoided being captured and sold a few times.

Nearby the alley, a Xinhua Bookstore remained standing. The store owner had Auntie Yu Dong Ge’s phone number, and he occasionally fed Wu Yun Ta Xue after she got sick, but he couldn’t bring himself to spend money on her treatment. Then one day, when he went outside, he found her lying on the roadside with blood dripping from her nose. After asking around, he found out she had been hit by a passing car while waiting for food.

That’s when he contacted Yu Dong Ge, asking if the kids who used to feed the cat wanted to come see her one last time.

Shao Xue couldn’t bear it. She immediately took the cat to a vet. After the doctor checked her over and gave the estimate, she bit her lip and said, "Do it."

In front of others, she was firm, but alone, she was anxious. As soon as she left the clinic, she called Zheng Su Nian, barely holding back tears after just a few words.

She hadn’t expected that one call would bring a whole group of them to the hospital.

When Zheng Su Nian stood beside her, Shao Xue felt grounded. No matter how hard things were, once he was there, it seemed like everything would be okay. This had been her unconscious belief ever since she was little. Wu Yun Ta Xue lay weakly on the towel, wearing a plastic cone around her neck, looking utterly pitiful.

Pei Shu couldn’t stand it.

"My family used to have a black cat too. When it got sick, we couldn’t afford the vet bills and watched it die," he said. "Whatever money you need, just take it from my card. My living expenses are paid annually."

"Use mine too," Bai Yun Sheng said from a distance, but with a firm tone. "I’m not short on money these days."

Zheng Su Nian patted Shao Xue’s shoulder reassuringly and said in a low voice, "See? We’re all here to help. Just sit tight. I’ll go handle the paperwork, and we’ll wait for the surgery."

Since they’d all come together, Pei Shu and Bai Yun Sheng sat with her in the hallway, waiting for the surgery. Gradually, Shao Xue calmed down, thanking them both multiple times.

"No need for that," Pei Shu said, as tactless as ever. "Honestly, this could’ve been way worse."

"Worse?" Shao Xue was surprised. "How much worse could it get?"

Bai Yun Sheng, knowing where Pei Shu was going, quickly cut in, "No, no, it’s nothing. We were just speculating."

The surgery took four to five hours, and they waited from noon until it was dark. To break the awkward silence, Pei Shu started talking about the cat his family used to have.

"Looked just like yours," he said. "Black on top, white underneath, a real fighter. Every cat and dog in the neighborhood was afraid of it."

Shao Xue nodded. "Wu Yun Ta Xue was a fighter too."

"That’s such an elegant name," Pei Shu laughed. "Who came up with it?"

"My mom," Zheng Su Nian said with his eyes closed. "But the name was too long, not practical for calling out. For years, I just called her 'Black and White'."

The surgery room door creaked open, and a doctor stepped out.

"It’s not looking good," she said, clearly upset. "She doesn’t have much time left, but we managed to save the kitten."

Even though they had prepared for the worst, Shao Xue still felt all the strength leave her body.

"Then save it," Zheng Su Nian said steadily, gripping her shoulder. "We’ll take care of it afterward."

The hallway lights were harsh and cold, and Shao Xue didn’t have the energy to say anything. Wu Yun Ta Xue was wheeled out on a stretcher, weakly looking at Shao Xue and Zheng Su Nian, as if she were an old friend nearing the end.

Zheng Su Nian gently patted her head, where the fur had thinned due to the skin condition. In a soft voice, he said, "It’s okay, you can go now."

Wu Yun Ta Xue let out a faint "meow" and, for the last time, rested her head in Zheng Su Nian’s hand.

Shao Xue’s dorm had strict rules, with teachers sometimes inspecting for contraband on weekends. The newborn kitten was too fragile, and they couldn’t trust sending it to their parents just yet.

When Pei Shu smuggled it back to their dorm in his pocket, Bai Yun Sheng complained for half an hour.

"I never would’ve guessed you’re scared of cats," Pei Shu teased. "You never showed it before."

What man would willingly admit he’s scared of cats? Bai Yun Sheng kept his distance and spoke formally, "Just keep it away from me. When it’s grown, send it off."

"When it’s grown, I’ll take it to my dad for company," Zheng Su Nian said. "It’s so small. It’s not afraid of you, but you’re afraid of it."

"What are you going to name it?"

No one knew who Wu Yun Ta Xue had mated with to produce this all-black kitten, but its eyes were bright and piercing. If it weren’t so small and weak from birth, it probably would’ve been a street fighter too.

Zheng Su Nian scratched the kitten’s head, and it swatted at its savior from Pei Shu’s pocket.

"It’s all black, even the paws. Let’s call it 'Er Hei' (Black Two)."

"It needs a proper name too."

"A proper name? For a cat?" Bai Yun Sheng was getting increasingly frustrated. "Are you going to register it with the government too?"

Zheng Su Nian glanced at Bai Yun Sheng, who was practically clawing the air, and suddenly had an idea: "His surname is Bai, let’s call him Bai Er Hei."

Pei Shu burst out laughing, while Bai Yun Sheng rolled his eyes dramatically. "Call him whatever you want, just keep him away from me."

And so, Bai Er Hei became a shared pet in Zheng Su Nian’s dorm. That year, thanks to a dorm supervisor who was addicted to watching dramas and didn’t set foot in the dorm for months, the three guys raised the kitten in secret. Within a month, it had grown so fat that one hand couldn’t pick it up anymore.

Perhaps because of the shared surname, Er Hei especially liked Bai Yun Sheng. Bai Yun Sheng felt like he was minding his own business when trouble came knocking. He would be peacefully asleep, only to have a ball of fur suddenly plop down on his face. At night, if he came back to the dorm in the dark and accidentally stepped on it, Er Hei would swipe at him. The kitten had a peculiar fondness for nesting in Bai Yun Sheng’s clothes. One time, after forgetting to lock his wardrobe, Bai Yun Sheng returned to find the cat sprawled out, sleeping belly-up on one of his sweaters.

He tossed it out, only to find his entire wardrobe covered in cat fur.

After so many incidents, his fear of cats lessened. Sometimes, he would wake up in the morning to find the kitten curled up beside his pillow, and he’d even reach out to stroke its sleek, black fur.

"Yun Sheng," Zheng Su Nian called out while getting dressed, "remember to take it out for some fresh air tonight."

"I’m not doing that," Bai Yun Sheng grumbled, clearly annoyed. "You guys said you’d take care of it, but now I’m the one cleaning up after it and feeding it. The thing’s getting more attached to me by the day. Just look at my clothes, just look—"

"Ugh, enough," Zheng Su Nian waved dismissively. "We’re swamped at the studio right now. Just help out for a few more days, and then we’ll send it to my dad’s place."

Bai Yun Sheng looked down at the peacefully sleeping Er Hei by his feet and, with a sigh of despair, motioned for Zheng Su Nian to leave.

One good thing about Er Hei was that it never meowed. Scratching up clothes was one thing, but most of the time, it would quietly nap in Bai Yun Sheng’s wardrobe.

Recently, Bai Yun Sheng had been busy with other things, constantly delaying the design drafts that his studio needed. He barely glanced at the materials on his computer before Er Hei jumped into his lap, its round eyes fixed on his hands, and its little paw batting at the keyboard.

A line of the number "2" appeared on the screen.

"You sure have a clear sense of self," Bai Yun Sheng chuckled, reaching to grab it by the scruff. Just as he touched its fur, the door creaked open.

Pei Shu had class, and Zheng Su Nian wasn’t supposed to be back this early. Naturally, Bai Yun Sheng assumed it was the dorm supervisor, and he quickly grabbed a jacket to cover the kitten.

Er Hei huddled under the jacket, lying still.

The sound of high heels clicked through the room, setting Bai Yun Sheng’s nerves on edge. Then came Xue Ning’s voice from behind him: "Bai Yun Sheng, I need to talk to you."

Ever since their last encounter at the teahouse, Xue Ning hadn’t contacted Bai Yun Sheng again. He had his own pride and had no intention of trying to make amends. The dorm was dimly lit by a single desk lamp, half of him hidden in shadow, giving off an inexplicably cold aura.

"If you’ve got something to say, then say it." Bai Yun Sheng didn’t even bother to look up. "This is the men’s dorm. It’s late, don’t stay long."

Xue Ning’s seriousness was mostly an act. Spoiled since childhood, she was used to getting whatever she wanted, and Bai Yun Sheng was the first guy who ever dared to give her a hard time. Flustered and unable to maintain her cold facade, her voice carried a hint of frustration: "Professor Cao said if your qipao master can’t close the deal, he’ll switch to the one my father works with."

Bai Yun Sheng furrowed his brows. "What do you mean?"

"Exactly what it sounds like," Xue Ning dragged Zheng Su Nian’s chair over and sat down. "It’s been months, and your master hasn’t agreed. The brand doesn’t need to rely on him. I have connections on hand—if you don’t want this opportunity, I’ll pass it to someone else."

"I never said I didn’t want it." Bai Yun Sheng, mindful of the kitten on his lap, didn’t turn around, though a growing frustration gnawed at him. "I’ll have it sorted by the end of March."

It’s always easier to tear down facades than maintain them. Xue Ning’s voice grew sharper, her tone increasingly aggressive: "Bai Yun Sheng, do you really think that landing the qipao master would be enough to secure this jewelry line’s design opportunity?"

"What are you implying?"

"Why has your comprehension dropped so much?" Xue Ning sneered, her tone now tinged with sarcasm. "There are plenty of talented students at the Academy. Do you really think Professor Cao recommended you just because of your skills? If it weren’t for the kickbacks he gets from my father’s high-end fabric supply, do you honestly think you got this on talent alone?"

Xue Ning’s sharp tone unsettled Er Hei, who shifted uncomfortably on Bai Yun Sheng’s lap. He pressed a hand down gently on the kitten’s back, feeling the strength drain out of him.

Fame, fortune, competition—it was all so tiresome.

A breeze stirred the leaves outside, rustling them softly. Below, couples whispered sweet nothings, their idle chatter blending with the sound of the wind, reminding him of the Kunqu opera verses he used to hear as a child.

"Xue Ning," Bai Yun Sheng leaned back, sinking into the chair, "could you… please leave?"

"I’ll take care of the qipao master issue as soon as possible." His voice softened, almost pleading. "But please, don’t recommend your people yet… I’m asking you."

Xue Ning was taken aback.

"I’m begging you," he turned his head slightly, one half of his face illuminated, the other in shadow. "Give me more time. For this project, and… for us."

Xue Ning was out of options.

She liked him, had liked him since the first time they met. She knew about Gu Yun Jin, thanks to hints dropped by Zheng Su Nian, but she couldn’t swallow her pride.

She had always gotten what she wanted. Now, she had set her sights on Bai Yun Sheng.

As Xue Ning’s footsteps faded down the hallway, Bai Yun Sheng removed the jacket, revealing a puzzled-looking kitten on his lap. Er Hei stood, its paws gripping his shirt buttons, straining to reach his face, then began to gently lick the corners of his eyes.

It was raining again in Suzhou.

Gu Yun Jin locked up her shop and headed to Master Chu’s house. The old man’s mobility was limited, and she helped out wherever she could. Just as the food was being placed on the table, she stepped outside to take a call. When she returned, she casually tucked her phone back into her bag.

"That Bai Yun Sheng again, isn’t it?" Master Chu snorted, tapping his chopsticks on the table. "I’ve made myself very clear. Why doesn’t he give up already?"

Gu Yun Jin carefully chose her words before finally speaking, hesitantly: "Please don’t think I’m being troublesome, but he’s not wrong about this. Times have changed, and fashion should evolve with it."

She wasn’t wrong. The day Master Chu received the contract, he slammed his teacup down and berated Gu Yun Jin: "What do they even call this a qipao? Customers may not understand, but how could you not? If we keep doing this, this craft will be destroyed sooner or later."

After several rounds of similar confrontations, Gu Yun Jin’s patience had worn thin. Bai Yun Sheng was pushing hard, his voice hoarse during their last phone call, making her even more anxious. "You’ve seen it yourself, Master. Over the years, so many of our traditional techniques have been lost. You used to tell me that fashion isn’t about being trendy—it’s about reflecting the era. The times have changed, and so should our clothes. That’s how we got the Shanghai-style qipao and the Suzhou-style qipao. Now the times are changing again, and our style is becoming outdated."

Master Chu froze for a moment, the word "outdated" making him explode in fury.

"What have they promised you to make you act as their spokesperson?"

Realizing her mistake, Gu Yun Jin quickly tried to smooth things over.

"I didn’t mean it that way…"

"Then listen closely," Master Chu was now fully enraged. "I’d rather starve, freeze, or live in poverty than make these ridiculous pieces. These clothing brands want to use my reputation as a marketing gimmick and twist the qipao into some unrecognizable hybrid. What do they take me for? What do they take the 'Chu Ji' name I’ve built over decades for?

"If they want to change, let them. But I won’t!"

It was a beautiful spring day—how did the wind suddenly turn so fierce?

Gu Yun Jin added another blanket to her bed before heading to the bathroom to freshen up. When she came out with damp hands, her phone rang.

She quickly wiped her hands on her clothes and answered.

On the other end, she heard Bai Yun Sheng’s soft breathing. Gu Yun Jin carefully chose her words and finally spoke after a long pause: "Yun Sheng…"

"Yun Jin, you know me." Bai Yun Sheng’s voice was filled with a sense of defeat. "I’ve never had good luck, so I can’t afford to miss any opportunity."

After saying that, he hung up.

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