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I Got a Call from Mary Saying She's Coming to My House, but I’m Currently on a Trip — Part 1

The sound of pages softly turning echoed through the small room.

Today is December 31st, commonly known as New Year's Eve, and the time is 9 PM. During this winter break, I decided to go on a journey of self-discovery, something I had always wanted to try. I’m planning to ring in the New Year here in Kanagawa Prefecture.

In the cramped hotel room, I read a book by the light of my smartphone. What I’m doing isn’t much different from my usual routine, but the atmosphere made it feel more exciting.

Although spending time with family or attending a party with friends was tempting, I turned down those invitations and impulsively went on this trip. It turned out to be the right decision. Who knew it would be so exhilarating? Of course, I feel some loneliness, but even that sense of solitude acts as a spice, adding to the enjoyment.

In truth, I would have preferred to spend New Year's with my girlfriend, whom I started dating last year. Unfortunately, she’s studying abroad, so we’re in a long-distance relationship. Meeting up isn’t easy. Well, it’s a shame, but there’s nothing I can do about it. Time to switch gears and enjoy myself.

This time, I opted for a hotel stay, but next time, I might try camping during a warmer season. As I entertained such thoughts—

The ringtone of my smartphone suddenly rang out.


I answered the phone, holding the book in one hand, pressing the phone to my ear with the other.

“I’m Mary. I’m at Shinagawa Station now…”


It took me a moment to process what I had just heard. Wait, I didn’t mishear that, right?

“Um, sorry, could you say that again?”

Confused, I asked for clarification.


With a click, the call abruptly ended. What on earth was that?

I couldn’t shake my unease, my head now full of question marks. Well, maybe it was just some kind of prank call. There wasn’t enough information to go on, and overthinking it wouldn’t help.

I pushed those thoughts aside and resumed reading my book.

“Huh… another call?”

About 30 minutes later, the cheerful ringtone went off again. I cautiously answered the phone.


“I’m Mary. I’m at Ikebukuro Station now…”


It was the same girl’s voice as before. However, this time, the location had changed.

Part of me wanted to dismiss it as nothing, but the fact that she had moved from Shinagawa to Ikebukuro meant she was getting closer to my home. Then again, jumping to the conclusion that she’s headed to my place might be premature based on this alone, but still… she called herself “Mary.” That must mean… well, you know what that means.

What should I do about this? If I ignore it, it feels like she’ll end up at my house.

However, I’m on a trip right now. Plus, my family has gone back to my father’s hometown, so no one’s at home. Sure, I doubt Mary would break in, but it doesn’t feel right to just ignore it either.

As I pondered this, the call had already disconnected.

Hmm, this is… troubling.


This time, the phone rang again, exactly twenty minutes later.

“I’m Mary. I’m on the Yurakucho Line platform at Ikebukuro Station…”

“You got lost, didn’t you?”


I heard a flustered pause from Mary, who seemed caught off guard by my comment. In a panic, she hung up.

…Come on, how does one even get lost in Ikebukuro for twenty minutes? Sure, it’s a big station, but compared to Shinjuku, it’s much easier to navigate. And why on earth did she feel the need to report it to me? She could’ve kept quiet. Cute, in a clumsy sort of way.

Now that she’s at Ikebukuro, her next report should come from my closest station, Hikawadai.

Another ten minutes passed, and once again, my phone rang.


“I’m Mary. I’m at Shinsakuradai Station now…”

“You took the wrong train, didn’t you?”

Mary’s voice sounded weak as she gave her update. The trains from Ikebukuro go in two directions, splitting at Kotakemukaihara Station, one stop before Hikawadai. Shinsakuradai is one stop in the other direction after the split.

“Ugh... uuu…”

Mary let out a weak groan. Yep, this Mary is just too cute. I’m smitten.

I thought that as I gazed at the night view.

* * *

“I’m Mary. I’m at Hikawadai Station now…”

About ten minutes later, the phone rang again. This time, it seemed she had actually made it.

“Well done! You really gave it your all.”

“…...! …...!”

When I praised her, I could sense a shy atmosphere from the other end of the call, as if she was embarrassed, telling me “don’t tease me.” Adorable. Grinning to myself, the call ended.

...Come to think of it, I wonder if there’s a tradition like eating New Year’s soba outside of Japan. I wonder what my beloved girlfriend, studying abroad, might be eating right now.

* * *

As I watched my breath turn white in the cold, feeling oddly sentimental, my phone rang again.


“I’m Mary. I’m at the intersection in front of the shrine…”

“Oh, you’re almost here.”


Silence. Then, the call abruptly ended. This time, Mary didn’t make any mistakes. Good job, Mary.

* * *

“I’m Mary. I’m at Hikawadai Station now…”

“So you got lost after all.”

“N-No, I didn’t!”


Ten minutes later, I received a rather disappointing report. Well… somehow, I figured this would happen.

“Do you need directions?”

“…No, I don’t.”

I had kindly offered to help, but with that one curt reply, she hung up. It seemed she was determined to find her way on her own. So cute.

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