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I Received a Marriage Proposal from a Perfect Gentleman, So I Tried to Turn It Down — Part 2

So then, why is the Saberhagen Dukedom—or Albert-sama—so fixated on me? 

"Father, something is clearly wrong here."

"I’m aware of that."

"We should assume there’s a reason we’re not privy to."

"Hmm. So what do you suggest?"

"Let’s decline the engagement proposal once more to buy some time. Meanwhile, you should investigate the Duke’s household and Albert-sama."

If the proposal doesn’t come up again and simply fizzles out, that’s fine too.

"Understood. Stacey, if you hear any rumors at the Academy related to this, let me know."

"Will do."

――――――――――Albert’s perspective at the Saberhagen Ducal House.

"The Cheek Viscountcy turned us down again?"


My father looked as though he had just bitten into something extremely bitter.

It’s only natural after being rejected twice by a lower-ranking Viscountcy.

"What is going on?"

"I’d like to know that myself."

It seems they didn’t decline out of mere courtesy the first time.

Why is the Cheek Viscountcy refusing us?

"Our family hasn’t had any disputes with the Cheek Viscountcy, have we?"

"None that I can recall. What about you, Albert? You don’t have any personal grudges against Lady Stacey, do you?"

"There’s hardly been any interaction between us to begin with."

We’re not even in the same grade.

Well, there’s no need to persist in pursuing Lady Stacey any further.

She seemed like the best option, but...

"Let’s give up on Lady Stacey and look for another suitable young lady."

"We can’t do that."

"What? Why not?"

"The press has caught wind of it."


My father handed me a piece of paper—it was a request for an interview from the Imperial City newspaper.

It mentioned something about the Duke of Saberhagen proposing marriage to Lady Stacey Cheek.

This must be why my father looked so sour.

If we suddenly switch to courting another young lady now, it will spark all kinds of speculation.

"We can’t move forward until we get to the bottom of why Lady Stacey is refusing the engagement."

"It seems that way. We should request a meeting with the Viscount as soon as possible."

"No, it’s better to assume that the newspaper reporters are keeping an eye on the mansion. Can you make contact with Lady Stacey at the Academy?"

"Huh? Oh, yes, that’s possible."

If I recall correctly, Lady Stacey was elected as a class representative this term.

I remember seeing her name on the roster.

I could call her to the student council under the pretense of official business. That might just work.

"Then I'll leave it to you. Go and find out what the Viscountcy and Lady Stacey are thinking."


――――――――――In the Royal Academy Student Council Room, Stacey's Perspective.

I was summoned by Albert-sama, the Student Council President.

"I think you know why you’re here."

"There’s an announcement for the class, right?"

I played dumb.

Even with an annoyed expression, Albert-sama’s face was strikingly handsome.

"It’s about the engagement! We’ve proposed to the Cheek Viscountcy twice, and both times we were rejected."

"Yes, that’s right."


"Our family motto is to never jump at a deal that seems too good to be true."

That wasn’t a lie.

The Cheek Viscountcy prides itself on being practical and cautious.

"It’s unheard of for someone like Albert-sama, the heir to the Duke of Saberhagen, to want to marry someone like me."

"I thought noble young ladies dreamed of making a splendid match."

"Some ladies may, but I’m not one of them."

Hmm? Albert-sama is nodding rather enthusiastically.

It seems his mood has improved.

"So, you didn’t reject the proposal because you have any issues with me or the Duke of Saberhagen?"

"What complaints could I possibly have about someone as outstanding and dignified as you, Albert-sama?"

"I see, that’s a relief."

"However, I do have an objection regarding this engagement."

"Hmm, what might that be?"

"The social status between the Saberhagen Dukedom and the Cheek Viscountcy is completely mismatched. Until this is addressed, I cannot possibly accept the engagement."

"That’s exactly what I’d expect from you, Lady Stacey."

What does he mean by that?

It seems like something about me is being appreciated, but I can’t quite figure out what.

"There are some delicate issues involving the royal family. I ask that you keep this confidential between us and the Viscount."

"I understand."

So, it has something to do with Prince Jacob targeting you?

I see, it’s only natural that the number one "Most Desirable Bachelor" would be envied by the second-ranked.

And if you were to engage a high-ranking noblewoman, he might accuse you of stealing his choice, which would cause all sorts of trouble?

"It’s a silly reason, I know, but for our family, it’s no joke."

"Ah, yes, Prince Jacob is known to be quite the ladies’ man."

"Exactly. That’s why I need someone like you, Lady Stacey, who can stare down Prince Jacob and send him packing."

"Oh my."

I never thought that my so-called "mad dog" reputation would actually be a point in my favor.

This is unexpected.

"And you are also quite beautiful, Lady Stacey."


Albert-sama’s face showed a hint of embarrassment.

Seeing him react like that makes me blush as well.

He also mentioned that, to avoid alarming the royal family, he needed to choose a fiancée from a lower-ranking family, that the Cheek Viscountcy’s position would lead to economic benefits for the Dukedom, and that few young ladies could stand firm without ingratiating themselves to him.

When he explained it all, it made perfect sense.

"The most important factor for me was your mental fortitude, Lady Stacey."

"My mental fortitude?"

"Regardless of everything else, being engaged to me will likely lead to snide remarks due to the difference in our social standings. And though it shouldn’t happen, there might be some servants in our household who would look down on a fiancée from the Viscountcy. But I imagine such things wouldn’t faze you at all, would they?"

"Not at all."

Oh dear, that wasn’t very ladylike of me, was it?

We both laughed together, "Ahaha, ohhoho."

"Thank you for the thorough explanation. I’ll discuss it with my father and give you a positive response."

"Great! Please give my regards to the Viscount as well."

Soon after, the engagement between Albert Saberhagen, the Duke's heir, and Lady Stacey Cheek was announced.

Their engagement was well received, and the fact that a just lady who doesn’t pander to the powerful found happiness sparked the so-called 'Stacey Boom.'

――――――――――Stacey’s Perspective, Cheek Viscountcy.

Albert-sama teased me.

"I heard you were called the 'Mad Dog Lady,' Stacey?"

"Who was it that fed you that nonsense? I’ll knock them out."

"Prince Jacob."

"...Knocking him out might cause some issues. Instead, let him know that if he keeps saying unnecessary things, I might feel compelled to share the details of his romantic escapades with the newspaper reporters."

"That’s a reasonable approach."

We laughed together.

I think we genuinely respect each other. Albert-sama is kind.

"Since you became my fiancée, Prince Jacob has been much quieter. It’s been a relief."

"I’m glad to hear that."

Prince Jacob can be annoyingly loud over trivial matters. It would be nice if he could carry himself with more royal composure.

"You're graduating from the Academy soon, right?"

"Yes, please take care of me."

After I graduate, we’ll proceed with the wedding.

"I’m feeling a bit nervous."

"I’m nervous too."

"Wait, you are?"

"It’s a major life event. And since my partner is Albert-sama, it’s even more so."

"That makes me happy to hear."

I love the way Albert-sama smiles.

"I rarely regret my actions, but..."


"I regret turning down your engagement proposal twice, Albert-sama."

"No, we were at fault too. We should have met and explained things directly from the start."

Albert-sama hugged me tightly.

"Communication is important."


"I want us to be able to talk about anything, Stacey."


I always knew Albert-sama was a dazzling noble, but I never realized just how wonderful he truly is.

You really don’t know someone until you talk to them.

"That’s why I want you to be honest with me too, Stacey."

"About what?"

"What do you think of me?"

"I adore you."

"Thank you."

Albert-sama didn’t say anything more, but I could feel his emotions through the strength of his embrace.

I’m happy.

――――――――――At the Royal Palace.

"Jacob, you can’t just keep fooling around. It’s time you settled down. It’s your duty as a prince."

"I understand, but…"

"Hmm? Is there a problem?"

"Every young lady I meet is a devout follower of the Church of Stacey." 

[The End]

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  1. thanks! lol it's kinda hilarious! but hold on, so what's gonna happen with the count?? don't they need a son-in-law to marry in? but i guess she can still take care of things anyway rofl. Jacob the fool, ahahah


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