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The Knighted Lady Who Left Home to Get Revenge on Her Arrogant Genius Magician Fiancé: What Happened After — Part 2

 Although the idea of teaming up with a magician didn’t thrill me, what made it worse was that this particular magician was renowned as a genius, just like my former fiancé. Recently, his partner’s wife had become pregnant, so he had been working solo.
A magician working solo is dangerous. That’s why they sought me, an experienced frontline fighter, for this mission.

I told myself it was just this once and accepted the request.

The young man, one year younger than me, was named Trance Grey.
Despite his perpetually stern expression, he was always polite and treated me with respect, responding to my intentions and moving accordingly.

“Sorry for comparing you to my old partner.”


I couldn’t help but apologize, realizing how rude I had been.
It wasn’t fair to compare this decent person to that arrogant, egotistical man.

“I’m sorry. The magician I used to partner with was also called a genius, and I ended up with a bad impression because of that.”

“Ah, so that’s why you seemed so tense.”

“Yes… but Trance, you’re a very reasonable person.”

“To make you say that about someone like me, I can only imagine how awful your previous partner must have been.”

I could only nod with a wry smile.

Trance seemed to find it amusing, and soon he was clutching his stomach, laughing.

We bonded a little after that. It’s funny how bad experiences can actually help sometimes.

Unlike Eugene, Trance wasn’t just a genius when it came to offensive magic. He was also a master of support magic.

Thanks to Trance's powerful magic, we swiftly completed the monster-slaying quest. Naturally, it was his strong magic that delivered the final blow.

His magic was just as powerful as Eugene's, despite Eugene's noble upbringing, so I thought Trance might be an offensive genius too.

Perhaps he’s a true magical genius.

After reporting back to the Adventurer’s Guild and successfully finishing the job, Trance made a proposal.

“If you’re okay with it, Lina, would you consider partnering up? It’s dangerous for both of us to go solo, right?”

It was an attractive offer, and since we had warmed up to each other, I agreed without hesitation.

And so, I became Trance’s partner.

Even after that, I often found myself comparing him to my ex-fiancé.

Trance was also researching and developing new magic. But unlike Eugene, his focus was on support magic. Casting enhancement spells on oneself is one thing, but applying magic to others requires skill. The fact that he had developed such magic independently as a commoner was truly impressive, deserving applause.

I couldn’t contain my excitement and blurted out, “That’s amazing!”

Immediately after, I panicked, thinking I had made the same mistake as before.

“Thanks, Lina,” Trance said with a shy smile.

My heart skipped a beat, and I found myself staring blankly.

“Lina? What’s wrong?”

“Oh, no… It’s just that my previous partner once told me to ‘stop pretending to understand,’ so I’m sorry for comparing again.”

“Huh? What a jerk…”

This led to me telling Trance the full story about Eugene.

Trance was visibly angry, his head clearly simmering with frustration.

At one point, I accidentally let slip the words “former fiancé.”

“What? Your ex-partner was your fiancé?”

He knew I had been partnered with a man, but didn’t know he was my fiancé. He was stunned.

Since we were in a restaurant, I leaned in closer to Trance and lowered my voice as I confessed.

“Yeah, I used to be a noblewoman… It was an engagement arranged by our parents.”

“…You were not only paired with such a tyrant but also engaged to him… No wonder you wanted to escape.”

It wasn’t until Trance’s hand covered mine that I realized how close our faces had gotten. We locked eyes.

“Lina… tell me more about yourself,” he whispered, and my cheeks flushed red.

We began spending time together not only on jobs but also on our days off. That went on for nearly a year.

One day, Trance gave me a matching set of rings, each embedded with a magical gemstone for protection, and asked, “Would you wear this with me?”

It was his way of confessing his feelings, and I gladly accepted.

Trance’s former partner cheerfully laughed it off, saying, “Looks like I’ve lost Trance to you!” and graciously accepted his decision to continue partnering with me. He had even transitioned to a relatively safe position as a guard, so I didn’t feel pressured.

Happily, I continued being Trance’s partner, and together, we occasionally traveled far and became a well-known adventurer duo.

Six months later, on one particular day...

I had traveled to a hidden lake in search of a rare herb when a flurry of flower petals suddenly blew around me. It was a magical illusion—Trance’s doing.

“What’s this!?” I thought, but when my vision cleared, I saw Trance kneeling before me.

By the pristine lake, surrounded by blooming flowers, my lover knelt with a jewelry box in hand.

“Will you wear this ring with me too? Marry me, Lina.”

The diamond ring sparkled as clearly as the lake itself.

Before my vision blurred with tears, I leaped into Trance’s arms. We fell into the field of flowers, petals swirling around us.

And that’s how I became Lina Grey.

After starting my new life as Lina, we held a simple wedding ceremony with a few close friends, and I officially became Trance’s wife.

Soon after, we were invited to attend the "Magic Tea Gathering," a meeting of magicians from neighboring countries.

I attended both as Trance’s partner and as his wife.

Though many noble magicians were present, the event was primarily for networking and exchanging information. Some degree of manners was required, but it wasn’t overly formal.

As an adventurer, I wore a stylish open-front long skirt, with a slim sword at my waist. Using the etiquette I had learned as a noble, I greeted and chatted with others alongside Trance. Eventually, someone called me by my former name.

“Katrina!? You’re Katrina, aren’t you!?”

Given that we weren’t far from my homeland, I had anticipated running into someone I knew, but I never expected to see my former fiancé.

Despite his lack of social skills, here was Eugene, pointing at me with a disheveled appearance.

“It’s all your fault!! It’s your fault, Katrina!!”

As Eugene, his face flushed with anger, approached me, Trance moved to step forward, but I accidentally beat him to it.

Oh no, I should’ve let my husband defend me... old habits from the battlefield die hard.

“I’m no longer Katrina. Please address me as Countess Grey.”

Unfortunately, I didn’t know his current status, so I wasn’t sure how to address him.

“What…? Countess? That’s ridiculous… Grey? You mean the Trance Grey!?”

My former fiancé recoiled in shock. This time, Trance stepped forward, wrapping his arm protectively around my waist.

“That’s right. Now stop harassing my wife.”

“The wife… of the genius magician, Count Trance Grey!?”

Eugene’s face turned pale as he stood before my confident husband. I couldn’t help but watch the scene unfold as if it were someone else’s problem.

No wonder Eugene was so shocked.

After all, the star of this "Magic Tea Gathering" was none other than Trance, who had recently earned his title for successfully developing new magic. Once a commoner and an active adventurer, Trance was now a figure everyone wanted to be associated with. We spent most of the event fending off greetings and conversations.

One of the reasons Trance had proposed to me was to restore my status as a noble. He had bluntly said that he wanted to fulfill that selfish desire, and I found it utterly adorable—especially with how red his cheeks had gotten.

“This can’t be! There must be some mistake! Katrina’s just a useless swordswoman who can only use weak magic!” Eugene shouted, still insulting me despite Trance’s protective hold on my waist. After three years, it seemed he hadn’t changed at all.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. Trance’s face twisted with displeasure, while the onlookers gazed at Eugene with contempt.

“She can’t even take down mid-sized monsters with her magic! All she’s good for is basic physical enhancement spells! She doesn’t know anything about magic but still talks like she does! She’s not fit to be your wife!”

Trance narrowed his eyes and retorted coldly, “Is insulting my wife the only way you can cope? Sounds like you’ve got a problem.”

Eugene, clearly not understanding Trance’s words, continued to rant, thinking Trance was agreeing with him.

“She ran away three years ago, sent false reports to the newspapers claiming she was mistreated, and made me look bad! I’ve been ostracized ever since! My achievements have gone unrecognized, and Katrina’s family—her brother even had his engagement called off! They’re now shunned in society, unable to secure new matches or partnerships! She’s the worst!”

I was shocked.

So my brother Luke and Lady Nina had broken off their engagement? The newspaper article must have been more effective than I imagined, and Lady Nina, who was always timid, must have fled.

Both Nina and I had escaped from that household, so it’s no surprise they’re struggling to find new matches.

As for Eugene, I had suspected his lack of progress, but blaming it on me was absurd.

“Oh. You mean that article about a forced engagement, arranged by tyrannical parents!” Trance loudly emphasized each word, ensuring the entire room could hear. 

“It’s the truth, isn’t it? If it were a lie, you would have sued for defamation to clear your name. After five years of engagement, not giving a single gift—that’s already been exposed, hasn’t it?”

A ripple of murmurs spread through the party.

Eugene’s face turned pale.

“You disrespected my wife and disregarded her wishes, and that’s why you’re facing the consequences. Yet, instead of reflecting on your actions, you continue to insult her. My wife is an excellent frontline fighter, and I can rely on her support from the back. She trusts me to watch her back too. She’s an amazing partner.”

Trance said this firmly, his words like a hammer striking the truth.

“She felt her life was in danger when she was partnered with you, and that’s no surprise. Who could trust their life to someone who belittles their frontline partner, calling them an idiot? You’re the only one here who doesn’t appreciate your partner!”

At last, Eugene noticed the cold, contemptuous stares directed at him by the crowd, most of whom were magicians paired with frontline fighters. They couldn’t understand Eugene’s mindset and pierced him with looks of disdain.

“Shame on you!” Trance shouted, his voice booming.

Now red with embarrassment, Eugene turned on his heel and fled the scene.

“...Thank you, Trance.”

I kissed him on the cheek.

“That’s the least I could do,” Trance muttered gruffly, turning away, but then he gave me a kiss in return.

“Well, that was quite an amusing spectacle,” chuckled some of the older magicians as the gathering resumed its usual atmosphere.

Afterward, I never heard any rumors of my former fiancé achieving anything noteworthy. As for my old family, I had no desire to find out what became of them.

I lived happily with the family that recognized me, cared for me, and loved me.

[The End]

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