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The Prince Wants to Find True Love: Even Though I'm No Longer the Crown Prince, Are You All Still Okay With That? — Part 2

There, though the crowd had thinned somewhat, a significant number of nobles were still lined up to greet him.

"Good morning, Prince Cyril," they said in unison.

Feeling somewhat relieved, Cyril returned the greeting, "Good morning."

However, in the next moment, Cyril couldn’t help but tilt his head in confusion. The faces of the nobles who had come to greet him were all somewhat familiar yet not quite recognizable.

Noticing Cyril’s puzzlement, Samuel quietly whispered, “It seems they are the second and third sons and daughters of the high-ranking nobles.”

Cyril almost burst out laughing.

Even if he weren’t the next king, it was certain that Cyril would still hold an important position in the country. The nobles didn’t want to sever ties completely, so they sent their ‘second stringers’ and ‘third stringers.’ How transparent of them.

Moreover, these second and third choices didn’t seem very enthusiastic; the line that usually extended all the way to the classroom quickly dispersed today. Hardly anyone approached him during breaks, and few were eager to talk to him during lunch or while he was moving between classes.

That day, Cyril experienced an unprecedented level of quiet.

This calm continued into the afternoon, and what usually took thirty minutes to get from the classroom to the student council room took only five minutes.

Upon entering the student council room, Cyril couldn’t hold it in any longer and burst out laughing at the blatant change in the nobles’ behavior.

Since entering high school, Cyril had only ever shown a fixed, polite smile, but now he was laughing heartily. Samuel and Rosemaria were left stunned, their faces blank with surprise.

After laughing for a while, Cyril wiped away his tears and, with a mix of amusement and a touch of sadness, quietly muttered, “It’s clear now, isn’t it? They were all looking at my title as the future king, not at me.”

He had thought he was working hard as the crown prince, but it seemed that all his efforts were insignificant compared to the title itself, as small as a gnat in the grand scheme of things. He felt embarrassed for ever thinking that anyone valued him for his own merits.

Samuel, concerned by Cyril’s apparent emotional instability, suggested he take a rest, while Rosemaria, with a worried expression, brought him some tea.

Grateful for their kindness, Cyril asked a question that had been on his mind.

“Rose, Samuel, are you sure it’s okay for you to stay by my side?”

Adjusting his silver-rimmed glasses, Samuel replied in a flat tone, “My father wasn’t too pleased, but I’ve decided to serve you, Prince Cyril.”

“And who else would make you tea if I weren’t here?” Rosemaria added with a soft laugh.

Cyril looked at the two of them with heartfelt gratitude. “...I’m glad. Even if it’s just the two of you who stay, it means a lot to me. As for Carlos... it can’t be helped. He’s the eldest son; he has responsibilities.”

Just then, the door to the student council room burst open, and Carlos entered, his right cheek swollen and red.

“Prince Cyril, I’m sorry I’m late.”

“What happened to your cheek?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. I just had a disagreement with my stubborn father. There’s nothing to worry about. As always, I’ll serve you with all my heart.”

Cyril’s heart swelled with emotion. It seemed that they weren’t looking at him as the future king, but rather as the person he truly was.

"...Thank you. I look forward to continuing to rely on you."

* * *

About a month passed.

Cyril enjoyed the newfound freedom that had unexpectedly come his way.

With no more eager noble ladies vying for his attention or overly ambitious noblemen trying to ingratiate themselves with him, his freedom of movement had increased dramatically.

Here’s what Cyril did during this time:
  • He mingled with the second and third children of the middle and lower nobility, with whom he previously had little opportunity to speak.
  • He participated in school events and club activities as a regular student.
  • He had late-night discussions with the noblemen who remained loyal to him.
  • He attended a costume party.
  • He even snuck out into the city incognito and held a banquet at a tavern.
With the intimidating presence of the high-ranking nobles gone, the middle and lower nobles felt more comfortable talking to Cyril, and he discovered many talented individuals among them. Additionally, his undercover excursions into the city gave him a deeper understanding of the lives of commoners, and he even learned a few mischievous tricks.

It was the kind of exciting and fulfilling student life he had always idealized.

However, when it came to the all-important matter of "true love," there hadn’t been much progress.

Only a few noble ladies remained loyal to Cyril despite the rumors. These were the ones who seemed to genuinely like Cyril for who he was, not for the title of "future king." Yet, even as he spoke with them, something still didn’t feel right to him.

Cyril found himself pondering, What exactly is ‘true love’ anyway?

* * *

One day, Duke, looking utterly exhausted, came to the student council room.


Seeing Duke on the verge of collapse, Cyril quickly ushered him into the president’s office. Duke, on the verge of tears, spoke.

"Brother, I... I've been rejected."

Since the rumors started, Duke’s life had turned upside down. High-ranking nobles with fixed smiles constantly surrounded him, leaving him unable to move freely or indulge in his favorite pastime, reading. When he finally managed to shake them off and visit his love interest, the earl’s daughter, she had looked troubled.

"She told me that being the crown princess would be a hassle, and she didn’t want to lose her time for reading. It turns out she didn’t really like me; she just liked that I was the third prince, who seemed to have plenty of free time and no financial worries."

Duke spoke dejectedly, his head hanging low.

Cyril had to fight back a laugh. He hadn’t imagined someone could be rejected for such a reason.

"And to make matters worse," Duke continued, "everyone around me suddenly started showering me with praise, lauding everything I did. They didn’t care about my research before, but now they’re suddenly saying things like, ‘Let’s build a research institute.’ The sudden change in attitude is making me lose faith in people."

Cyril looked at Duke with a sense of guilt.

"I’m sorry, Duke. I didn’t mean for you to go through such a difficult time. I didn’t expect the nobles to react so extremely."

"It’s fine, brother. Even though I came up with the idea, I never imagined it would turn out this badly. But don’t worry, it hasn’t been all bad," Duke said with a mischievous smile. "Thanks to this, it looks like we’ll be getting a splendid research institute and library."

Cyril couldn’t help but burst out laughing. As expected of the third son—he certainly knew how to take advantage of a situation.

Duke grinned slyly.

"In any case, there’s less than two weeks until the graduation ceremony. I’ll make the most of this situation. Brother, make sure you find your ‘true love’ by then."

"I will. I’ll do my best."

* * *

And so, the day of the graduation ceremony arrived. The king formally announced Cyril as the next crown prince.

The hall erupted into chaos. The high-ranking nobles who had abandoned Cyril after believing the rumors turned pale. They recalled their actions with dread, but it was too late.

Standing on the stage, Cyril calmly surveyed the confused crowd and spoke with a smile.

"I am Cyril, officially named the next crown prince. Without further ado, I will now announce my close aides and royal guards."

There were six aides in total.

Samuel, Carlos, two eldest sons of high-ranking nobles who had remained loyal to Cyril, and, newly added, a highly talented third son from a mid-ranking noble family, and a second son from another mid-ranking noble family. As for the royal guards, one was the fifth son of a lower-ranking noble. This selection, focused on loyalty and ability, was a groundbreaking move that overturned the traditional concept of factions.

The eldest sons of the high-ranking nobles were on the verge of fainting. They desperately wanted to complain, but this time, with loyalty being taken into account, they had nothing to say. It was truly their own fault.

Ignoring their plight, Cyril raised his voice.

"Next, I would like to introduce my future partner—Lady Rosemaria Richter, the Duke’s daughter."

As cries of despair echoed from the noble ladies who had lost their chance with Cyril, Rosemaria ascended the stage.

Taking her hand, Cyril gently kissed it. Rosemaria, looking concerned, whispered softly.

“...Cyril, I just heard from Duke that you were searching for ‘true love,’ right? I’m so happy you chose me... But are you sure I’m the one? Won’t you regret it?”

As always, Rosemaria was more worried about Cyril than herself. Cyril chuckled and looked her straight in the eye.

"I’ve thought a lot about it, and I believe ‘true love’ isn’t just a fleeting emotion. It’s something you reach after loving and respecting each other—a ‘final destination,’ so to speak."

Smiling, Cyril added that he was sure they could reach that ‘true love’ together, given how she had always supported him, both openly and behind the scenes.

Then, as Rosemaria’s eyes filled with tears of joy, Cyril knelt before her and gently extended his hand.

"Will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

"Yes, with pleasure."

Thunderous applause and cheers erupted.

Cyril smiled warmly and addressed the crowd.

"Thank you for your blessings. Also, I hear that Duke will be leading the construction of a new research institute and library. I look forward to seeing them completed. I trust you will continue to support us."

This was a clear message to those who had switched their allegiance to Duke: Don’t abandon him just because he’s not the next crown prince.

The high-ranking nobles who had shifted their support to Duke were left with expressions as lifeless as dead fish.

* * *

One year later, after graduating from the academy, Rosemaria and Cyril were happily married. The people celebrated the joyous couple with great enthusiasm.

* * *

As a side note...

The Crown Prince of the neighboring kingdom, who was the original inspiration for ‘true love,’ was deeply moved when he heard Cyril and Rosemaria’s story. He decided to try the same strategy and spread a rumor about his own disinheritance. However, the baron’s daughter, with whom he had shared his love, curtly dismissed him, saying, "I have no use for you if you’re not the crown prince."

Heartbroken, the prince fell ill and became a laughingstock worldwide.

This incident later inspired a fable titled The Foolish Man Deceived by the Illusion of True Love. Since then, whenever young people were seen making foolish romantic decisions, others would tease them by saying, "Looks like you’ve finally found your true love, huh?" 

[The End]

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