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The Villainess Who Finds Resisting the Game's Forced Outcomes Troublesome Has Decided to Live Freely — Part 3

I also remember the gemstones. During our tea parties, which doubled as study sessions, we often engaged in casual conversation. It would be strange not to. One day, someone mentioned that it was a waste to throw away the small bits of gemstone left after processing larger stones from their territory. I suggested that instead of using them for jewelry, they could incorporate them into designs.

I thought it would be cute if they were treated like beads, and soon after, I received a handbag with that exact design. I was so impressed by how stunning it looked that I praised it repeatedly, much to everyone’s delight. That memory is still fresh.

So, yes, it makes sense now. I do recognize the lace and gemstones used in the heroine’s dress. They’re the same as the ones I’d admired and asked for myself. I didn’t commission a new dress this time, but Ian must have ordered one for the heroine, incorporating the latest trends I had praised.

Ah, that’s why there are so many adults standing behind me. Mother and the Queen must have mentioned my name in social circles. Even though the younger students might not know, I suppose my name has been spreading in the adult world without my realizing it. …It seems my little whims have become quite significant.

While I was coming to terms with this, more and more of the items I had been involved with were listed. Wait, this is getting embarrassing. Silk and jewels are fine, but food!? Please, stop! They’ll think I’m greedy!

As I trembled in embarrassment, wishing I could disappear, one final blow was delivered.

“We won’t forget the cold words His Highness directed at Lady Margaret!!”

Hearing the voices agreeing with this, I struggled to hold back the tears threatening to spill.

I’m a villainess. I hate troublesome things and have lived life doing as I please. If that’s considered evil, I can’t argue. In the game, “Margaret” lived selfishly and ended up dying. I had accepted that I would meet the same fate…

But here, everyone is standing by me.

I wiped away the tears that were about to fall. Crying from happiness—this was a first for me.

“Everyone, thank you.”

As I expressed my gratitude from the bottom of my heart, for some reason, everyone else started crying too.

“Lady Margaret!!”

“We’re the ones who should be thanking you!!”

As I listened to the many words of support, I sobbed and cried aloud. This… might be a strange sight. But right now, it was a scene of pure happiness for me.

Seeing me and everyone crying together, Louis let out a small smile and turned back to face his brother.

“Well, it seems that in proving Lady Margaret’s innocence, you, dear brother, are now the one on trial. With this many witnesses, do you have any objections?”

“I—I recognize those people! They’re the ones surrounding Margaret! It’s all the testimony of her lovers!”

“Brother, I suggest you stop speaking. Those words insult everyone here, and they will come back to wound you as well.”


Perhaps Ian finally felt the weight of Louis’ anger. He gasped and fell silent, unable to offer any more rebuttals.

For a moment, there was a tense silence as they glared at each other. The one to break it was the most powerful person present—the King himself, Ian and Louis’ father.

“It seems this matter is settled. Lady Margaret, I apologize for my foolish son. Words alone cannot suffice, but I hope you will allow me to apologize.”


“Silence, Ian. You are not permitted to speak. Someone, take him away. And bring along all those standing behind him. We’ll need to hear the full story.”

“At once!”

Following the King’s orders, the guards surrounded Ian, the heroine, and the other capture targets, escorting them away. They were shouting something, but honestly, I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

Once their voices had faded, the King himself approached me, and I, still shocked by the sudden turn of events, had managed to stop crying.

“I truly apologize. My son is not worthy of you. It may be unpleasant to grant him his wish, but I believe it would be best to annul the engagement. What do you think?”

“Ah, yes. Please?”

Wait, really? Is this okay? No prison sentence? Yay!!

I nodded, though it came out as more of a question, but a nod nonetheless. The King gave a firm nod in return and said,

“Thank you. Marquis Nuttall, we’ll pay whatever compensation you deem necessary. Let’s discuss the details later.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Wait, not only is my engagement annulled, but we’re getting compensation too? Amazing!

Though I was practically bursting with excitement inside, I managed to maintain only a slight grin on the outside. While I was already thinking about how I would enjoy my newfound freedom, Louis stepped forward.

“Father, may I ask for a favor?”

“Go ahead.”

“If Lady Margaret is no longer my brother’s fiancée, may I put myself forward as a candidate?”


“Wait, what?”

What was that? Wait, what did he just say? Did I mishear? Misunderstand?

Instinctively, I looked at Louis, and as if sensing my gaze, he turned and our eyes met. He smiled brightly and said,

“I’ve loved you for a long time. I had given up because you were my brother’s fiancée… but would you please consider becoming engaged to me?”

Such a straightforward confession left no room for misunderstanding.

“Eh? Eh?”

Still, whether I could accept it was another matter entirely. After all, I hadn’t had much interaction with Louis before. He’d occasionally drop by my tea parties, and we’d have light conversations, but that’s it. For him to talk about love… Honestly, now that I’m finally free of the royal family, I’d rather not get involved with them again.

Uncertain of the right response, I glanced at my father for help. He seemed to understand immediately and pulled me into a protective embrace.

“She’s my beloved daughter, especially after what just happened. I won’t let her marry so easily.”

Oh, thank you! As expected, Father knows me so well!!

I couldn’t see my father’s face since he was holding me, but I could hear him clearly say,

“I understand. Lady Margaret, feel free to reject this offer if that’s what you want.”


The King, with a hearty laugh, said this, while Louis cried out in desperation. I couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

As I began to laugh, the atmosphere in the room lightened significantly. It was as though everyone had been waiting for this, and the King clapped his hands.

“Well then, my apologies for disrupting the mood. Let’s return to the graduation party. We must celebrate the bright futures of our young graduates.”

Ah, that’s right. We were in the middle of the graduation party.

Following the King’s words, I gently pulled away from my father’s embrace and made my way toward the group of people who had stood by my side.

“Everyone, thank you so much. If you ever need help, I’ll be there for you next time.”

I smiled and expressed my gratitude, making a new resolution as I spoke. The group responded with a mix of reactions, though, since everyone spoke at once, I couldn’t catch most of what was said. But judging by their expressions, it was clear they cared for me.

That’s why I’ll keep smiling and, just like before, live life doing whatever I want.

“Ahh, I’m thirsty. I’d like some fruit juice.”

At my words, a server hurriedly ran off to fetch some. Meanwhile, the other graduates around me visibly relaxed, their faces softening in relief.

This is who I am—eating what I want, drinking what I want, and doing whatever I want.

I accepted the glass that the server brought and took a sip. The freshly squeezed grape juice was subtly sweet, bringing a smile to my face.

* * *

Later on…

I heard that Ian was stripped of his right to the throne and sent to the borderlands, though I didn’t learn many details.

Mary likely went with him, but I neither knew nor cared.

And as for me… I eventually gave in to Louis’ relentless pursuit, but that’s a story for another time.  

[The End]

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  1. I like this simple stories, thanks for the translation 😸


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