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Unmatched Under Heaven — Chapter 24. Part 1

 Lambskin, calfskin, pigskin... Several sheets of meticulously cleaned hides were laid out on the rack. Tan Yin touched each one with her hand, carefully selecting one that was both elastic and slightly firm. She picked up a pair of scissors and gingerly cut a piece, comparing it to the life-sized mechanical man prototype standing in the corner. Satisfied, she nodded.

She was working on a highly challenging mechanical man. Though she had made many wooden figures before—ones that could sing, dance, fight, and even do household chores—none of those were as complex as this one. It was also a new challenge for her craftsmanship.

The workbench was cluttered with materials she hadn’t used before. No longer just cold wood and bronze, it now included processed hides and even cleaned intestines—things that looked rather disturbing.

Tan Yin focused on cutting the hides into variously sized pieces, then used a large needle to stitch the fragments together roughly. Afterward, she switched to a smaller needle, meticulously covering the seams with flesh-colored thread. With a few folds and turns, she had completed the rough shape of an ear.

Gradually, the air became filled with a pungent, unpleasant odor that replaced the usual balanced and pleasant fragrance. Tan Yin turned around and realized that the incense in the burner had burned out. She typically worked with wood and bronze, and hadn’t dealt much with hides and intestines before. When she first got them, the strange smell had given her a headache, forcing her to ask Yuan Zhong for some incense to mask the odor.

Tan Yin draped a large black cloth over the mechanical man prototype in the corner. She wanted to keep it a secret until it was finished and didn't want Yuan Zhong to see it beforehand. She couldn't help but smile, imagining his reaction once the mechanical man was complete and standing before him. Would his eyes pop out? Maybe his jaw would drop too.

She chuckled at the thought. From childhood, through her divine ascension, Tan Yin had always been reserved and serious. Rarely had she indulged in such playful thoughts. However, after spending so much time with Yuan Zhong, she felt like he had brought out a mischievous side in her, always making her think of fun little ideas.

The old saying "you are who you surround yourself with" really had some truth to it.

After washing her hands, Tan Yin went to knock on Yuan Zhong’s door.

His small building had three floors. The second floor housed the cluttered room she had borrowed to work on her projects, while his bedroom was on the third floor.

She knocked for a long time, but no one answered. Curious, she gently pushed the door, but it didn’t budge. He had placed an enchantment on the door, which was unusual. Thinking back, she realized she hadn’t seen him for several days, as she had been preoccupied with making the mechanical man. This was even more unusual—what was he up to so mysteriously?

Deciding to get some fresh air, she stepped outside. It was already mid-October, and the autumn air was crisp and refreshing. The distant mountains had lost their lush green and were now mostly shades of gold and deep yellow, with patches of fiery red, likely from the maple trees.

A cool autumn breeze swept past, carrying a rich fragrance. The scent from the Xie Xiang Forest grew more intense in autumn. After being overwhelmed by the strange odors in the workshop, Tan Yin took several deep breaths of the fragrant air. Suddenly, she noticed Yuan Zhong approaching slowly, carrying a large bundle of freshly cut branches. Seeing her standing by the door in a daze, he smiled and said, “What’s wrong? Done with your secret project?”

Thinking of how her mechanical man would give him a good scare, Tan Yin couldn’t help but grin widely. She deliberately avoided mentioning it. “I’ve run out of incense. Could you make some more?”

Yuan Zhong held out the bundle of freshly cut branches. “You came at the right time, little rascal. I just harvested some fragrant wood.”

He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and gently guided her back into the building.

The building’s layout was very similar to the hexagonal hall. The first floor was underground, while the second and third floors were above ground. The underground level was where Yuan Zhong typically made incense, and it was just as cluttered, if not more so, than the room where Tan Yin worked on her mechanical man. In the corner were several flat, round bamboo baskets filled with dried fragrant herbs like linglingxiang and frankincense. Scattered across the floor were various tools—scissors, small knives, and stone mortars for grinding the incense. The stone platform was even messier, covered with half-finished fragrant materials of all kinds, and the entire room was filled with a mingling of scents.

Yuan Zhong lit a torch, peeled the bark off one of the branches, and roasted it slowly over the flame. Before long, a fine layer of resin began to ooze from the branch, releasing a rich aroma.

Tan Yin sat across from him, watching intently as he worked. This wasn’t the first time. It seemed they had both grown accustomed to such moments—she would tinker with her small inventions while he quietly accompanied her, watching; he would make incense while she silently observed from across the room. Neither of them spoke, nor did they feel the need to. Tan Yin didn’t find anything wrong with it at all.

“How do you make a wooden figure speak?” Yuan Zhong suddenly asked, as he stirred some honey into the incense mixture.

Without thinking, Tan Yin answered, “You fix a membrane in the throat, and when air flows through, it creates sound.”

It took her a moment to realize what he was asking. Surprised, she asked, “You’re thinking of making a mechanical man too?”

Yuan Zhong purposely put on a stern face. “You can make one, but I can’t?”

Tan Yin hurriedly shook her head. “N-no, that’s not it…”

Yuan Zhong threw the freshly made incense cake into an old box, closed it, and after a moment, reopened it. The incense cake had already matured, as if it had been aged in storage.

“Here, take it,” he said, tossing the incense cake to her, then smiled suddenly. “Tell me what you’re working on, and I’ll tell you why I asked.”

Tan Yin held the incense cake tightly, shaking her head vigorously. She was still waiting to see him drop his jaw in surprise.

Yuan Zhong flicked her forehead playfully, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Fine, then I won’t tell you. But I’ll make sure it dazzles you when the time comes.”

What on earth was he working on that was so mysterious? Tan Yin’s curiosity, usually not so easily piqued, was now fully stirred. Could he really be making a mechanical man? But he didn’t know anything about that—how would he even begin? She was almost tempted to break through the enchantment on his bedroom door and sneak in to take a look.

No, no, that wouldn’t be right. Containing her curiosity, Tan Yin returned to the second-floor room with the incense cake and continued working tirelessly on her mechanical man.

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