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Desert of Love and Sorrow — Chapter 10: Smoke and Fire in the Dry Sea. Part 7

"Beautiful. I’ve never seen anyone more beautiful," the messenger replied quickly, though inwardly he thought: Beautiful women really are dangerous. She didn’t even flinch as she had hundreds of our soldiers killed!

"Give the order!" Ruo Wen suddenly stood, his voice sharp. "Break camp immediately and leave Zhun City tonight!"

Wolves Head and Cheng Xiang, who had entered upon hearing the command, immediately knelt. "We obey!" They showed no hesitation.

With a brimming sense of purpose, Ruo Wen began to don the weapons hanging on the wall—his sword, spear, and blade, each carefully strapped to his body.

"Cheng Xiang, take 50,000 men back to Fen Tian and prepare for battle. Luo Ying will stay behind to assist you. You have full access to his network of covert operatives. The rest will follow me to Mizan!"

Kneeling nearby, Ge Xin Wei’s heart pounded with shock. Given the current situation, Yunpei was almost within his grasp, yet he was choosing to leave now. She looked up at Ruo Wen, wanting to dissuade him, but saw that everyone else knelt in unanimous support. She was the only one who opposed his decision.

It was as if they didn’t care whether they could seize the world or not. What they cared about, what they were focused on, was nothing more than satisfying Ruo Wen. Whatever he wanted, whatever he desired, they would make it happen—satisfying him was the same as fulfilling their own desires.

Overwhelmed by the resolve of those around her, Ge Xin Wei lowered her head and swallowed her objections. At that moment, she, too, became curious about the woman who had driven Ruo Wen and his army southward.

* * *

Night had fallen. In Qing Yun’s camp, historian Shi Ji Suo Rong Huo and General Liao Zhen were playing chess with the king. Both had their brows furrowed deeply. Before long, Liao Zhen gave up halfway through the game, deciding it wasn’t worth the frustration. After all, no one had ever beaten the emperor in a match, so there was no shame in surrendering. This left only Rong Huo still stubbornly holding on.

"Teacher, you’re always so stubborn. You know you’ve already lost—why not give up?" Qing Yun laughed, watching the old man, who continued to agonize over the game. Rong Huo had never asked for leniency in their games and had never lost with any sort of dignity. He clung to his awful plays without ever conceding defeat. Sometimes, Qing Yun even found the old historian endearing.

"Your Majesty’s brilliance is beyond measure. Even if I refuse to admit defeat aloud, I’ve already conceded in my heart," Rong Huo replied, staring intently at the chessboard.

Hearing this, Liao Zhen, standing nearby, mocked him. "Old fool, what a pitiful display!"

Rong Huo shot him a glare. "General Liao is right. I should indeed live to be over a hundred before I’ll be satisfied!"

Liao Zhen laughed. "Shameless people do live longer! You sold out Zhan—what more could you want?"

Liao Zhen's comment clearly struck a nerve with Rong Huo, who glared at him with resentment but had no way to retaliate. After staring at the chessboard for a long time, he finally sighed and said, "I'm done playing."

Qing Yun picked up a chess piece and flicked it swiftly at Liao Zhen's forehead. "Don’t talk to the teacher like that!"

Liao Zhen immediately knelt in apology.

"Your Majesty!" Before he could speak, Miao Jing rushed in, a rare display of urgency from someone who was usually composed. Kneeling on the floor as soon as he entered, Miao Jing reported, "Your Majesty, the scouts have returned with news: Fen Tian has broken camp. Zhun City is nearly deserted!"

This piqued Qing Yun's interest. "Poisoning the water wouldn’t have had such a quick effect. Where did they go?"

Miao Jing’s expression grew more serious. "Strangely enough, they’ve headed toward Mizan."


"Yes, Your Majesty."

"What for?"

"That... we’re not sure yet."

Qing Yun fell silent, idly playing with a chess piece for a while before looking at Rong Huo. "What do you think, Teacher? Why would Ruo Wen head to Mizan?"

Rong Huo raised his head and replied, "My lord, if you don’t know, how would I?"

Qing Yun’s silence deepened. Ruo Wen’s movements were entirely unexpected.

Sensing the importance of the situation, Liao Zhen quickly spoke up. "Your Majesty, Zhan will surely be aware that Ruo Wen has gone east. He will undoubtedly consolidate his forces for a decisive battle with us. We cannot be careless in tomorrow’s engagement."

"Hmph!" Qing Yun let out a short laugh. "I never intended to rely on Fen Tian to defeat Zhan. But..." he tossed the chess piece aside, "I have a feeling Ruo Wen heading to Mizan is part of Zhan’s scheme. Something is off about this."

Miao Jing nodded. "Rest assured, Your Majesty. I’ve already sent additional scouts. We’ll have more information soon."

After a long pause, Qing Yun waved his hand in irritation. "Leave me. I need some quiet." The group quickly exited the room.

Once they were gone, silence fell over the room. Qing Yun frowned, staring at the back of his right hand, where an old wound had started to throb. It felt like tiny insects were gnawing at his skin, burning and itching.

The smoke rises from nowhere,
The world is bewildering,
Dust turns as white as snow,
And a light wound can change everything.
Once, oaths were sworn in the dry sea,
But now the Flower Pavilion stands empty, only smoke remains.
I cannot wait—time slips away.
I cannot wait—the blue mountains call for power.
Flames rush through the clouds, without waiting.
The sword reaches the heavens, defying the angry seas.
Such is my will,
Unshaken by anyone.
Such is my arrogance,
Unchanged by anyone.      

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