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How I Became a Millionaire from Ad Revenue by Continuously Uploading NTR Video Letters Sent by My Cheating Girlfriend to an Adult Video Site — Part 2

 Within half a day, she sent me another video, along with the message "I’m sorry..." No way she actually meant that.

"Yay, boyfriend! Are you watching?"

The video started with the same familiar line. After checking the contents, I uploaded it to the site.

The next day, my channel’s subscribers had grown from 30,000 to 50,000.

(This could work...!)

Then I begged her for another video and uploaded it. I repeated this process over and over.

The channel grew steadily. Of course it did. There’s not a single guy who hates NTR.

There are always some who say NTR makes them sick or that it destroys their brain, but those people are just like warrior maidens who declare, “I will never bow to a man!” when deep down they love it. They claim it’s brain-destroying? That sensation is what gets them addicted (Mitsuo’s words).

However, the turning point came sooner than expected.

"My subscriber count isn’t growing..."

By the time I had over 150,000 subscribers and each video was consistently hitting 200,000 views, the channel’s growth had suddenly stalled.

By this point, I was on track to earning a million yen a month. A million yen. A huge amount of money. The old me would have been satisfied.

But my mind had been destroyed. Could I really be content with just this? Of course not.

So I made my next move. I dialed the blond guy’s number, which I’d gotten from my ex.

"Hey, cheating bastard."

‘What’s up, boyfriend?’"

"Hey, about those video letters you’ve been sending—don’t you think the lighting is a bit off? Maybe you should try setting the light source closer to the ceiling for better effect."

"Huh? ...You know, you might be right. Thanks, boyfriend."

My subscriber count surpassed 250,000.

"Hey, cheating bastard."

"What is it, boyfriend?"

"Isn’t using copyrighted music for the background a bit risky? The rights situation is pretty complicated..."

"Huh? ...Yeah, that might be a problem. Thanks, boyfriend."

I passed 500,000 subscribers.

"Hey, cheating bastard."

"What now, boyfriend?"

"I’ve sent a high-performance mic and camera to her apartment. Could you use them?"

"Huh? ...Wait, this is a SO○Y product. Are you sure it's okay to send something this expensive?"

"Yeah. Just make sure to shoot good videos with it, alright?"

"...Heh! You got it. Thanks, boyfriend."

I surpassed 750,000 subscribers.

"Hey, cheating bastard."

"What now, boyfriend?"

"How about you come work for me?"

And then—


She was confused.

Her ex-boyfriend was acting strange. Every day, he posted photos of extravagant dinners on social media, and the last time she saw him in the city, he was decked out in high-end fashion with multiple women hanging around him. That was impossible on his salary.

"You’ve got to be kidding me..."

She regretted her decision. If he had that kind of money, she wouldn’t have broken up with him. Or maybe...

(He still seems to like me. Maybe if I reach out, we can get back together?)

Yes, that’s what she’d do. Then she could drain him of every cent, just like before, and dump him when she was done.

Blinded by greed, she pulled out her phone to send him a message. Just then, a message from the blond guy came through.

It was a video file, accompanied by a message that read, "Sorry..."

Curious, she opened the video.

"Yay, girlfriend! Are you watching?"

There was the blond guy, but he wasn’t naked. He was dressed in a sharp, glossy, black suit that looked expensive.

But that wasn’t the shocking part. Next to him, also in a suit, was her ex-boyfriend.

"Are you watching, girlfriend?"

Gone was his timid demeanor. His face was composed and dignified, as if he were a different person entirely.

She was stunned, but the video continued. He began to speak.

"I’ve been uploading all the videos you sent me to the internet."

"At first, it didn’t make much money. But as I kept at it, the channel grew... Now, I have a million subscribers."

"Just from ad revenue alone, I’m making five million yen a month. Including sponsorships and products, maybe around eight million. That’s roughly one hundred million yen a year."

"I have to thank you. If it weren’t for you sending me those videos of yourself panting like a dog, I’d still be a part-timer."

"But honestly, the money doesn’t matter. It’s nothing compared to the thrill of NTR."

"Now, on to the main point."

In the video, her ex glanced at the blond guy and they exchanged a smile.

"I’m starting a business with the blond guy."



She couldn’t comprehend it. A yearly income of 100 million yen? An office? And why was the blond guy there in the first place?

It was impossible. Her brain was about to break from the jealousy, anger, and confusion swirling inside her, but the video continued without mercy.

“I always dreamed of becoming a cameraman, you know? But people told me I didn’t have any talent… so I gave up.”

“But your ex recognized me. He said, ‘The videos you shoot are amazing. Why don’t you come work for me?’ …It made me so happy.”

“So I’m going to work with him. I’m breaking up with you.”

The blond guy looked bashful as he spoke, then her ex began to talk.

“His camera skills are incredible. It’d be a waste to let them go to sleep. From now on, we’re going to hire a ton of people, pump money into this, and spread the beauty of NTR across the globe.”

“I’m excited, boyfriend.”

“Yeah. Together, we’ll destroy the minds of all humanity.”

They looked at each other and shook hands firmly—a sign of trust. There was no place for her in this partnership.

“Just so you know, suing us won’t work. I’ve blurred out faces where necessary, and besides, all the uploads are routed through overseas servers. The payment accounts too. …Well, goodbye, girlfriend. I never hated you.”

And with that, the video ended.

“Why?! No, no, no, this can’t be happening! It’s impossible, it’s impossible, it’s impossible—!”

Her mind was shattered. There was no going back. Because there was no one left to steal her away from her ex anymore. 

[The End]

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