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“Let’s get married.” “No.” After Constantly Repeating This with My Childhood Friend, the One Day I Didn’t Propose, She Got Really Worried and Became Super Clingy — Part 3

 But my current classmates, though surprised at first when they saw me propose and get rejected immediately, eventually got used to it and became good friends.

It was unexpectedly comfortable.

“—So, does that mean you’re… done with me?”

“Huh? Kasuimi-chan, did you say something?”

“…No, it’s nothing.”

I didn’t quite catch what she said, but it didn’t seem like it was directed at me.

As we talked, we soon arrived at Kasuimi-chan’s house.

“Well, see you tomorrow, Kasuimi-chan.”

I waved to her and started to head home, but…

“...Isn’t there something else you want to say?”


I stopped when Kasuimi-chan said that.

Something else to say…?

“Um… make sure not to catch a cold?”

“Ugh, forget it! See you tomorrow!”

“Huh? O-oh, yeah, see you tomorrow…”

For some reason, she looked upset, maybe even a little sad, as she went into her house.

I think that might’ve been the first time I’ve seen that expression on her face…

* * *

After that, I went home and lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling.

I kept wondering why I had made Kasuimi-chan look like that, but I couldn’t figure it out at all.

Even when I sent her a message through our chat app, I got no response…

Damn, I’m tired after hanging out with my classmates today. I’m getting sleepy.

Guess I’ll just sleep… I’ll apologize to Kasuimi-chan tomorrow if I did something wrong.

I feel like I forgot to do something today, but before I could remember, I drifted off to sleep.

* * *

—The next day.

I woke up still thinking about Kasuimi-chan, but I couldn’t come up with any answers.

After getting ready, I left for school.

Today, we didn’t plan to walk to school together, so Kasuimi-chan probably won’t be there... Wait, what?


“…Good morning.”

Even though I didn’t expect her to be there, Kasuimi-chan was standing at our usual meeting spot.

“Good morning, Kasuimi-chan. This is unusual; we didn’t arrange to meet today.”

“…If we didn’t arrange to meet, does that mean I can’t walk with you?”

“Huh? No, no, that’s not what I meant.”

I was surprised to hear such a cute thing from Kasuimi-chan.

My heart skipped a beat, and although she seemed embarrassed as well, she started walking toward school. I walked alongside her, but... something felt different. It seemed like we were closer than usual.

No, it didn’t just feel that way—we were definitely closer. Because Kasuimi-chan had pressed herself against my arm, holding onto me.

“W-wait, Kasuimi-chan?”


I was shocked by the sudden closeness, and she too was blushing deeply, clearly embarrassed.

“Why are you holding onto me?”

“…D-do you not like it? Me, holding onto you?”

“No way! I’m really happy, but...”

“Then it’s fine, isn’t it?”

While I was absolutely thrilled, I couldn’t help but wonder why she suddenly got so clingy. Since last night, something about Kasuimi-chan’s behavior seemed different.

I was curious about what had changed, but right now, that didn’t matter. The girl I had liked since first grade was clinging to me, and my heart felt like it was going to explode.

I glanced at her from the corner of my eye. She was incredibly cute.

Her long eyelashes, her beautiful appearance, and though we were wearing the same school uniform, she smelled amazing.

We had only held hands a few times as kids, and now she was doing this. I couldn’t react properly, a mix of excitement and nervousness taking over.

Normally, we’d chat while walking to school, but today, both Kasuimi-chan and I walked in silence.

She held onto my arm the whole way, but as we neared the school, she finally let go.

…Though, she was still holding my hand.

It was less overwhelming than having her cling to me, but even holding hands made me incredibly nervous.

Her hands were soft and small… Why is everything about Kasuimi-chan so cute?

Still, I couldn’t help but wonder what had gotten into her today. When we reached school, and she finally let go of my hand, I decided to ask.

“Kasuimi-chan, what’s going on? Since last night, something’s been different. Did something happen?”

“…It’s because you didn’t say it, Seiya.”


“N-nothing. Seiya, can we have lunch together today?”

“Huh? Oh, of course.”

“Then, see you at lunch.”

With that, Kasuimi-chan went off to her own class. What’s going on with her today?

“You didn’t say it,” she said… What didn’t I say?

* * *

I couldn’t focus on my classes at all, thinking about Kasuimi-chan, but I still couldn’t figure it out by the time lunch rolled around. I was about to head to her class as usual when—


Before I could go, Kasuimi-chan came to my classroom instead.

“Let’s go to the bench in the courtyard.”

“Huh? Oh, sure.”

I was too surprised to respond at first, but I followed her to the courtyard, where we sat together on a bench. Once again, we were sitting very close—so close that our shoulders were touching.

“I made my own bento today.”

“Oh, really? You’re great at cooking, Kasuimi-chan. That’s impressive.”

“…Want to try some?”

“Can I?”

“Yeah. Here, say ‘ahh.’”

“W-wait, what?”

She offered me a piece of tamagoyaki she made, holding it out for me to take a bite.

Could I really eat this? No, I had to!


I opened my mouth wide and took a bite of the tamagoyaki.

“How is it?”

“It’s d-delicious.”

“Hehe, why the formal tone?”

Kasumi-chan laughed, looking so cute as she did. But more than that, why was she doing this for me?

“Kasuimi-chan, seriously, what’s going on?”

I asked again, more directly this time.

She looked a bit awkward as she lowered her gaze.

“Well… It’s because… you didn’t say it, Seiya.”

“You mentioned that this morning too. What didn’t I say?”


Her face turned bright red, and she seemed too embarrassed to get the words out.

What didn’t I say…? Yesterday… Something felt off yesterday, like I’d forgotten to do something I always do…

What was it…? Something I do every day… Ah!

“Wait, is it because I didn’t confess to you?”


When I said that, Kasuimi-chan’s face turned an even deeper shade of red, and she gave a small nod.

So that’s it. Yesterday, I didn’t confess or propose to her.

I’ve been doing it every day since we met, so when I didn’t yesterday, I felt off all day.

“Did you… want me to propose?”


Judging by her behavior today, it seemed like she was bothered that I didn’t propose. Kasuimi-chan’s eyes widened in shock, and her face was still flushed red.

“B-because… It’s just… I’ve gotten used to being proposed to every day, and yesterday, you were having so much fun with your classmates that you forgot about me, and then you said you didn’t mind not being in the same class anymore, and…”

Kasumi-chan’s ears turned bright red as she hurriedly tried to explain herself.

It was the first time I’d seen her like this, and it was incredibly adorable.

Even after spending so much time together, there are still things I don’t know about her—and that only makes me fall for her even more.


“W-what is it?”

When I called her name, she stopped her excuses and looked straight into my eyes.

If Kasuimi-chan is this flustered just because I didn’t propose… then maybe, just maybe, today’s the day.

“Kasuimi-chan, let’s get married.”




As usual, without hesitation.

I really thought I had a chance this time, which made the rejection hit even harder.

I collapsed onto the bench.


I muttered quietly, and Kasuimi-chan, still sitting on the bench, responded.

“—Because… Seiya, you’re still not old enough to get married.”

“Huh? Kasuimi-chan, did you say something?”

I didn’t quite catch it since I’d collapsed at just the wrong moment. When I asked her to repeat herself, Kasuimi-chan blushed and gave me a mischievous smile.

“It’s nothing. You’re such an idiot, Seiya.”

Seeing her smile like that, I realized all over again just how much I love Kasuimi-chan. 

[The End]

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