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The Boy with Sanpaku Eyes Who Helped Me When I Was Ostracized in Elementary School – After Spending Time Together for Several Years, I Confessed and Said "I Love You" — Part 2

When I looked at the screen, the words ‘You lose’ were displayed.

While I was daydreaming about my future life with Souichi, I had lost the game.

“Ugh… it’s all your fault, Souichi…”

“Is that so, is it?”

His unique laugh echoed through the room.

Whenever Souichi’s in a good mood, he laughs like that.

I was frustrated about losing, but if Souichi’s having fun, that’s all that matters.

Afterward, we ate a delicious meal made by his mother, took separate baths, and decided to watch a horror movie.

I’m not good with scary things.

I was trying my best to endure it because I wanted to spend time with Souichi, but… it was impossible.

But, of course, Souichi seemed to know exactly how I was feeling.

“If you’re scared, you can hold my hand.”

He always knows just how to look cool like that.

Hey, Souichi.

If you keep being so kind, I’m just going to fall even more in love with you, you know?

Do you realize what I’m feeling when I’m holding your hand?

I wonder if my feelings for him are going to spill out through the touch of my fingertips.

This overflowing affection for him.


“What? Do you want me to let go?”

“…No. I want to stay like this tonight.”

“Alright, do what you want.”

And so, I kept holding his hand.

Even after we finished watching the movie, even while we brushed our teeth, even after we got to Souichi’s room.

We usually played in the living room, so it was my first time entering his room.

Tonight, his mother told us to sleep together in this room.

It seems she listened to my request, as there was only one futon, the one Souichi usually used.

“…Isn’t this a bit cramped?”

“Really? I’m fine with it like this.”

“…I’ll go borrow another futon from my brother.”

With that, Souichi went to ask his older brother in the next room, but he came back within a minute.

“How did it go?”

“He got really mad. He said, ‘This is an experience you won’t have often in life, so just sleep already.’”

Good job, Souichi’s brother!

“Lately, my brother’s been acting a bit tense. Sometimes he mumbles about how he’s being surpassed by his younger brother.”

Scratching his head, Souichi reluctantly got back into the futon.

And I immediately grabbed his hand again.

“…Still going, huh?”

“Y-Yeah. I’m still scared… l-look, those figures over there…”

I pointed to the figures lined up in his room.

They looked like villains from some typical hero show.

“Huh…? Haha! What’s this, Ririka? You finally understand their charm too?”

“Y-Yeah. They’re really scary, but also super cool!”

“Right? You’ve got a pretty good eye.”

Souichi instantly cheered up.

I know how it feels to be happy when someone praises something you like.

So, as I scanned the shelf more closely, I noticed more villain and monster figures, the kind called ‘antagonists.’

…Now that I think about it, Souichi often plays as the villain characters in games, too.

I wonder if there’s a reason for that.

"Hey, Souichi, do you like villains like that?"

"Yeah. They're cool. They live by their own beliefs. You gotta admire that."

"Hmm, so you want to be like them too?"

"Of course."

"Is that why you like villains?"

"It's not that I like villains. It's just that they're called 'villains' because 'evil' was forced onto them."

His tone grew stronger, and I glanced at his profile.

Even though I’ve always been by his side, it was a rare sight to see such a serious expression on his face.

"There was this alien in a video my brother showed me a long time ago. The alien didn’t do anything wrong. It wanted to be friends with humans, but it was persecuted because of how it looked. It had no choice but to fight to survive, and in the end, it was labeled a 'villain' and defeated by the hero."


"If people had just understood the alien, they could’ve gotten along. My brother told me, 'Souichi, you should become a person like that, someone who understands others.' Since then, I decided I wanted to be the kind of person who could stand with those labeled 'villains.'"

"I see…"

So that’s why Souichi helped me back then.

He didn’t judge me based on what others said. He looked at me and didn’t turn away.

…Thank you.

I’m truly happy.

"Anyway, inspired by my brother, who always wears an eye patch and chants magic spells, I try to embody these villains and understand their feelings… Hey, are you even listening, Ririka?"

"Hehe, sorry, I wasn’t."

"I’m telling you something important here… Well, whatever. I’m tired now, so I’m going to sleep."

"Yeah, good night."

"…Good night."

With that, he turned his back to me.

And yet, he still held my hand, as if it was the most natural thing to do. He really is a kind soul.

I couldn’t help but smile softly.

The back of my hero, the one I’ve seen so many times as he leads me.

I moved closer to him.

I’ve made so many wonderful memories. I’m sleeping next to the person I love. Souichi has given me so much happiness, more than I can ever repay.

"Souichi… are you already asleep?"

All I heard in return was his peaceful breathing.

Even when I peeked over at him, his face was calm and gentle.

It seems like he really is asleep.

Meanwhile, my heart is still racing...

"You’re such an idiot, Souichi…"

But you know what?

"I love you."

With that, I kissed his cheek.

◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇

"Hehe… This brings back memories."

"Mom? What are you looking at?"

"Oh, just some old photos of when your dad and I were young, about your age, Ichika."

"Wow! Mom and Dad were so small!"

"Right? Even back then, I already liked your dad."

"Ichika loves Dad too!"

"Oh? And what about Mom?"

"I love Mom too!"

"Kyaa, you’re so cute! Of course you are, you’re our kid! Right, dear?"

"…Yeah, can you help me here? I’ve been doing all the work by myself for a while now."

"Look, Ichika! Daddy’s pouting!"

"Then I’ll give Daddy a big hug! Squeeze!"

"Ah, Ichika… You’re the only one who heals me now. Your mom used to listen to me, too, back in the day…"

"Oh my, did Daddy say something?"

"…Ichika. Can you help Daddy? Go grab those toys over there for me."

"Okay! Hey, Daddy, we’re moving to a new house, right?"

"That's right. When we become a family of four, this place will be too cramped."

"Hehe. You’re getting way too excited, Papa…"


"Mama, what’s our new house like?"

"You’re going to be amazed. It’s really beautiful and big! You’re excited too, right, Ichika?"


"Alright then, why don’t you go get your toys from your room and give them to Daddy, okay?"


"…Hey, Souichi."

"…It's been a while since you called me that. What is it, Ririka?"

"...I love you."  

[The End]

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