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The Ghost Bite — Story

Shen Linsheng said: One of his friends, an old man, was taking a nap on a summer afternoon. While he was in a drowsy state, he saw a woman lift the curtain and walk in. The woman had her head wrapped in white cloth and was dressed in mourning clothes. She walked directly toward the inner room. The old man assumed she was a neighbor coming to visit his wife, but then he thought, why would this woman be wearing mourning clothes and suddenly barge into someone else's house? As he hesitated, filled with both doubt and fear, the woman had already returned.

The old man looked closely. The woman appeared to be in her thirties, with a swollen yellowish face, furrowed brows, and a terrifying expression. She paced back and forth, refusing to leave, and slowly approached the old man's bed. The old man pretended to be asleep, secretly observing her to see what she intended to do. Before long, the woman lifted her dress and climbed onto the bed, pressing down on the old man's stomach as if she weighed several thousand pounds. Though the old man was fully conscious, when he tried to raise his hand, it felt as though it was bound; when he tried to move his leg, it was as if it were paralyzed. He desperately tried to open his mouth to call for help, but he couldn’t make a sound.

The woman then brought her mouth close to the old man's face, sniffing him thoroughly—from his cheekbones, nose, eyebrows, to his forehead. The old man felt as though her breath was as cold as ice, sending chills deep into his bones. In his panic and distress, the old man came up with a plan: he would wait for her to sniff the lower part of his face and then take the opportunity to bite her. Sure enough, the woman soon sniffed near his cheek. The old man seized the moment and bit her cheekbone with all his might, sinking his teeth into her flesh. The woman screamed and struggled, raising herself, but the old man refused to let go, biting down even harder. He felt blood continuously flowing from her cheek, soaking the pillow beneath them.

As they remained locked in this grim struggle, the old man suddenly heard his wife's voice in the courtyard. He hurriedly shouted that there was a ghost. As soon as he let go, the woman floated away and disappeared. When his wife came into the room, she saw nothing and laughed, thinking he had just had a bad dream and was talking nonsense. The old man recounted the strange incident in detail and insisted that the bloodstains were proof. The two of them examined the bed together and found that the pillow and bedding were soaked as if the roof had been leaking. The old man bent down to sniff the blood—it reeked of an overwhelming stench, and he began to vomit. For several days afterward, he could still taste the foul smell in his mouth.

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