Incidentally, while I had assumed the maids were all tall beauties, it seemed I was simply small in comparison. For the record, I’m close to the average height for a Japanese woman.
Just by pretending to sleep, I’d learned this much. Maybe I should’ve feigned sleep from the start.
No, it’s probably because I look so exhausted that the maids have let their guard down.
This is a rare opportunity. I’ll stay still and gather as much information as possible until they wake me up.
"Really now… Listen, if Master hears about this, we’ll lose our heads. Worse, we’ll be driven out of this city altogether."
"I know. I don’t want my family ruined, either. If I could, I’d quit this job immediately."
"We all feel the same way. None of us ever imagined we’d be part of something so… sacrilegious. Even with hush money added to our salaries, it’s not like anyone here wanted this."
"Maybe the butler does. He’s the only one who always schemes with Master—"
"Stop it! I told you to be careful!"
…It seems the snake-man really is universally despised. I feel no pity for him. Serves him right.
"If only we had some connection to the royal capital. We could let someone know the Oracle is here…"
"Don’t be ridiculous. That’s exactly what Master is most paranoid about. Besides, if anyone found out the Oracle of Blessings was being treated like a possession, we’d all be imprisoned without question."
"I know, but… I can’t stand it. Seeing the Oracle’s blessings wasted on such terrible people! Her blessings should go to someone like the Sky General, the Earth General, or even His Majesty the King!"
"You’re right. But from out here, our voices will never reach them."
I fought the urge to move, suppressing my body’s reflexes.
Something crucial had just been said.
The Sky General, the Earth General, and His Majesty the King—these sounded like the key figures of the nation. His Majesty, obviously, would be the top.
Even if the maids’ voices couldn’t reach them, what about mine?
So far, I’ve only ever blessed people right in front of me. But if I’m truly the “sacred being who grants blessings to the world,” as the snake-man claims, maybe distance doesn’t matter.
Say it. Please, just say it. Tell me the names. I swear, if you do, I’ll bless you with handsome men and mountains of gold! Please!
"Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Sky General stopped by while inspecting the region?"
"If such a miracle happened, I’d buy that dress you’ve been eyeing with my next paycheck."
"You said it! Isaac Garcia Berlios, please rescue the beautiful captive Oracle and let me get that dress!"
"Why are you praying so seriously… Oh no, we’re running out of time. We need to wake the Oracle."