The story of Wang Cang Hai: A prequel novel to The Lost Tomb, and a sequel to the TV drama The Legend of Cang Hai (continuing the fantastical tale of Wang Cang Hai after becoming the Minister of War, including his time in the Dong Xia Kingdom, constructing the Cloud Palace of the Summit, and slaying the Wannu King).
“Immortality” is the frenzied pursuit of countless people, but for one person, it is a lonely and torturous ordeal.
Fully aware that fate had bestowed upon them a destiny fraught with life-and-death tribulations, Wang Cang Hai nevertheless resolved to risk everything for a chance. Using mortal wisdom to defy gods and demons, he altered the path of the stars, executed an impossible plan, and triumphed over insurmountable foes. Entering the game with his life at stake, he saved both his lover and himself. He deceived heaven and earth, destroyed the Dong Xia Kingdom, yet saved its people. Over the span of a millennium, his plans influenced countless followers across generations, spanning more than six hundred years to this day.
Based on the original world-building and character design of The Lost Tomb, this story is an entirely original prequel. It aims to fill gaps in the source material, such as the secrets of the Bronze Gate, the truth behind the Cloud Palace of the Summit, and the Ghost Seal’s summoning of the Yin Soldiers. Additionally, it features creatures like the zombie-like Mi Lo Tuo, the terrifying Lady Banshee, corpse insects, the human-faced bird, and the colossal serpent Zhu Jue Yin (Candle Nine Yin). However, it is not particularly horror-focused. In summary, it’s half a “爽文” (literal translation “satisfying fiction”, a genre of satisfying, adrenaline-pumping storytelling focused on achievement and victory) about ambition and career-building, and half a tragic romance exploring emotional depth.
Genres: action, adventure, drama, fantasy, historical, mystery, supernatural, xianxia
Also Known As:
The Legend of the Hidden Sea
The Legend of Zang Hai
Tibetan Sea
Tibetan Sea Opera
Zang Hai Chuan
Cang Hai Xi Lin
Codename Xia Fei Road / 代号霞飞路Status:
In ProgressChapters:
Cang Hai Plays with the Qilin — Chapter 7. The Divine Dream and the Queen Mother of the West. Part 1
Cang Hai Plays with the Qilin — Chapter 7. The Divine Dream and the Queen Mother of the West. Part 2
Cang Hai Plays with the Qilin — Chapter 7. The Divine Dream and the Queen Mother of the West. Part 3
Cang Hai Plays with the Qilin — Chapter 7. The Divine Dream and the Queen Mother of the West. Part 4
To Be Continued…